Answered Questions

  • Test Design

    What is Test Design? Is it preparing the test documents or is it test identification? If the "Test Design" refers to only test identification and "Test Execution" refers to validation, then where should we fit "test document preparation"

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 30th, 2009

    Test Design includes all of the steps leading up to Test Execution.  The preparation of test documents and the identification of tests are performed simultaneously.  Consequently, test document preparation is included in Test Design. 


    • Dec 30th, 2009

    Test Design includes all of the steps leading up to Test Execution.  The preparation of test documents and the identification of tests are performed simultaneously.  Consequently, test document preparation is included in Test Design. 

  • Write test cases for printing Single Linked List and Double Linked List ?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 31st, 2009


    Node A points to node C ; [NODE A]---->[NODE C]
    Node B is an insertion node;  Insert [NODE B]

    Test cases:

    TC1) You can insert [NODE B] after [NODE A]
    TC2) You can not insert [NODE B] before [NODE A]
    TC3) [NODE A] points to [NODE B] after insertion
    TC4) [NODE B] points to [NODE C] after insertion
    TC5) You can remove [NODE B]
    TC6) [NODE A] points to [NODE C] after removal


    Nodes A and C point to one another; [NODE A]<---->[NODE C]
    Node B is an insertion node;   Insert [NODE B]

    Test cases:

    TC1) You can insert [NODE B] after [NODE A]
    TC2) You can insert [NODE B] before [NODE A]
    TC3) [NODE A] and [NODE B] point to one another after insertion
    TC4) [NODE B] and [NODE C] point to one another after insertion
    TC5) You can remove [NODE B]
    TC6) [NODE A] and [NODE C] point to one another after removal

  • Handle Changes Before Ship Date

    How would you deal with changes being made a week or so before the ship date?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 28th, 2009

    I would determine the feasibility of meeting the ship date by evaluating the:

    1) necessity of the change; [ why do we need it? ]

    2) urgency of the change; [ can we defer it? ]

    3) complexity of the change; [ how much time and effort will be required to test it? ]

    4) risks involved with not including the change; [ what happens if we don't do it? ]

    5) additional resources required to test the change [do I have the resources? ]

    Then I would either rally the resources to test the change or I would deliver a (hopefully compelling) case against releasing on the target ship date based on my evaluations. 

  • Write the test cases for File Transfer ?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 26th, 2009


    1) Transfer an empty file
    2) Transfer a file with one character
    3) Transfer a file with maximum number of characters
    4) Transfer a file that exceeds maximum number of characters by 1 (max+1)
    5) Transfer a file that is less than maximum number of characters by 1 (max-1)
    6) Transfer a file that contains the entire ASCII character set
    7) Transfer a file that contains the entire UTF-8 character set
    8) Transfer a file that contains the entire Unicode character set
    9) Transfer a file that contains the entire Unicode big endian character set

    Verify speed of file transfer meets specification

    1) send file
    2) navigate to the file destination,
    3) verify the file is transferred to proper target destination,
    4) verify the filename has not changed,
    5) verify the file's size has not changed,
    6) open the file and
    7) verify that the contents had been transferred without changes.  


    • Nov 30th, 2011

    Adding to Kurtz answer.. Functional: Every file transfer mode can handle a specified limit of files at a time. Keeping this requirements in mind, check the behavior for - Upload files exceeding the ...


    • Dec 26th, 2009

    TEST CASESFUNCTIONAL1) Transfer an empty file 2) Transfer a file with one character3) Transfer a file with maximum number of characters4) Transfer a file that exceeds maximum number of characters by 1...

  • Automated Testing

    When should you use an automated testing?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 20th, 2009

    Automated testing is best performed:

    1) When a product has enough value to a company to warrant it

    2) When a product has a long enough life cycle to warrant it

    3) When it directly helps your project's speed, coverage, risk mitigation and development nimbleness

    4) When it is relatively simple to implement

    5) When requirements are stable and not apt to change

    6) On components that are mission-critical

    7) On components that have failed and are apt to fail again

    8) On components that are self-contained

    9) On components that are scriptable

    10) On components that require little maintenance


    • Jan 12th, 2011

    When the test case are testing regularly and the occurance of this test scenario is frequently using based on this the test manager will go for the automating this test... and based on resources also we will prefer automation testing.


    • Jan 10th, 2011

    Automation Testing can be initated and planned in two scenarios.One for the Agile development mode.Other for the Stabilised Modules just for the Regression activity to be performed as and when the nee...

  • Exploratory Testing

    Where does Exploratory Testing Fit? What are the Pros and Cons in Exploratory Testing?


    • Jan 6th, 2011

    Exploratory testing comes in picture due to lack of documentation. When there is no availability of documentation then testing team depends on similar project browsing, contacts with customer site pe...

  • End Goals of Usability Testing

    What are the End Goals of Usability Testing?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 26th, 2009

    Usability testing evaluates persons as they use the application under test.   Its purpose is to judge the application in terms of

    1) Performance: How much time or how many steps were required to complete tasks?
    2) Accuracy:  How many mistakes did people make?
    3) Intuitiveness:  How easy was it to learn?
    3) Recall:  How easy was it to remember after a period of time?
    4) Emotional response: How do people feel about it?


    • Dec 14th, 2009

    Usability testing is a black-box testing technique. The aim is to observe people using the product to discover errors and areas of improvement. Usability testing generally involves measuring how well ...

  • Checklist for Recovery Testing

    What is Recovery Testing? In what ways we can do it? List the checklist for Recovery Testing.

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Jan 1st, 2010

    Recovery testing is the forced failure of an application to determine whether it can recover without impaired functionality or data loss. The breadth and depth of recovery testing depends on the mission-critical nature of the application. 

    Some examples are:

    1) Take a database down while an application is sending transactions and then bring the database back up again.  Verify there is no loss of data and that the application resumes in a way that users will know how to proceed.

    2) While an application is running, restart the computer and validate there is no data loss and that users can proceed without negative side effects.

    3) While application is receiving data over a network, unplug and reinsert the network cable to validate the application's ability to continue receiving without loss of data.

    4) Restart the computer while a browser has a number of sessions running simultaneously and then determine if the browser is able to recover all of them.


    • Jan 1st, 2010

    Recovery testing is the forced failure of an application to determine whether it can recover without impaired functionality or data loss. The breadth and depth of recovery testing depends on the missi...

  • What are the input documents that you consider during the construction of the test cases?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 10th, 2009

    Q:  What are the input documents that you consider during the construction of test cases?

    1) Business Requirements Document or 
        Functional Requirements Document  
    2) Technical Specifications Document
    3) Application Work-Flow Diagrams
    4) Application Wireframes
    5) Application Mockups
    6) System Architectural Diagrams
    7) Compatibility Matrix
    8) Test Plan


    • Jun 8th, 2017

    FRS, inputs from the clarification log updated by PM


    • Mar 22nd, 2017

    Input documents that you consider during the construction of the test cases should include: What do you want to tell what he explained and What you are talking about?

  • Test Database Upgrade

    Suppose a DB has just been upgraded from Oracle 10g to 11. What testing factors will you look at?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 30th, 2009

    1) Test the upgrade itself.  Do problems arise?  Has anything new been introduced that needs to be accounted for?  If so, make sure it works properly.
    2) Run functional tests that rely on the database to ensure they function properly.   
    3) Run performance tests to ensure data is obtained within specified performance parameters. 
    4) Ensure data integrity is maintained after upgrade.  Contstraints, for example, should still be handled as expected.

    5) Run load and/or stress test to ensure the upgraded database still handles user load and performs well under the most business-critical resource-intensive circumstances.
    6) Test the Oracle client.  Ideally, any issues will have been caught in the upgrade test, but it is a necessary step in the process.


    • Apr 24th, 2010

    1. Identify and execute the testcases which can exercise all the database operations from application.2. Execute automation scripts3. Execute performance tests4. Identify and execute testcases which update the existing records to test the backward compatibilty.

  • How would you test a COTS integration?

    What are the test factors and test design?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 17th, 2009

    Human factors are very important in testing COTS applications:
    1) Communicate with the vendor
    2) Get Information for Test Planning
    3) Get Support for Testing
    4) Get Cooperation for Integration Testing
    5) Get Customer and User Input and Assistance in Testing

    The phases of testing a COTS application:

    1) Understand the COTS application and how it will be used
    - Determine test integration 'glue'
    2) Develop a COTS test strategy
    - objectives
    - understand general COTS risks
    - identify risks unique to your application

    3) Plan for testing COTS application
    - Map planning activities to COTS life cycle
    - Gather required input and entry criteria
    - Determine what needs to be verified
    - Determine what needs to be validated
    - Create a test plan
    - Create test cases; test scenarios; test scripts
    - Add traceability to tests

    4) Test execution on COTS application
    - build the environment (hardware, software, tools, data, and verify integration feasibility)
    - train testers
    - Perform tests
    - record defects
    - verify results
    - perform regression tests

    5) Analyze and report results of COTS testing
    - evaluate defects
    - make sense of information to improve processes
    > requirements
    > acquisition
    > integration
    > customization
    > testing
    > implementation


    • Dec 17th, 2009

    Human factors are very important in testing COTS applications:  1) Communicate with the vendor2) Get Information for Test Planning3) Get Support for Testing4) Get Cooperation for Integration Test...

  • Test Passes

    What is meant by Test Passes? How many passes are required for Integration testing?


    • Nov 2nd, 2011

    As "kurtz182" rightly mentioned; test passes are test iterations. QA runs a group of test cases or just one big single test cases to test a feature. This "run" is called test iteration or test run. ...

  • How will you write testcase for a quadratic equation ?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 13th, 2009

    The quadratic equation is a polynomial of the second degree. 
    Its general form is
                          ax^2 + bx + c = 0

    where x represents a variable and a, b, and c are constants.
    I would study the functional requirements and technical specifications and create test cases based on my knowledge. The requirements might include the following features:

    1) Text which describes the quadratic equation and how to use the application.
    2) A graphical representation of the quadratic function.
    3) Text which decribes the first and second root of the equation.
    4) Text which describes the equation's descriminant.

    I will assume the requirements indicate that the application simply solves for x when all of the constants are input into the equation.  I will also assume there is no

    graphical representation supplied by the application. In this case, I would do the following:

    1) Enter valid data in all fields and verify result.

    2) Enter valid data in all but one field and invalid numeric data in remaining field and ensure validation.

    3) Enter valid data in all but one field and no data in remaining field and ensure validation.

    4) Enter a = 0 to verify it becomes linear.

    5) Data set should include the following types:
       a) Integers
          - Positive
          - Zero
          - Negative
       b) Decimal (applying greatest number of significant digits)
          - Postive
          - Negative

    6) For each data type, I would
        a) Use boundary value analysis to select input data for all data types.
        b) Use equivalence class partitioning to minimize input data.

    7) Enter alpha characters in all fields and verify validation.

    8) Enter special characters in all fields and verify validation.

    9) On each text box, I would try to enter numbers that extend beyond the range that the text box can accept.

  • Remove Defects in Production

    How many times it is costlier to remove defects in production than removing them before coding?a) 10 timesb) 50 timesc) 100 timesd) 200 times

  • Testing Difficulty

    Which of the situations below make systems more difficult to test?A. The requirements/specifications are unclear.B. Testers were not involved in the review of the requirements.C. The software provides little information about its internal state.D. The software is so complex, it is difficult to calculate the expected results correctly.E. All of the above.

  • Regression Testing and Re-testing

    Two of the following three statements are always true for both regression testing and re-testing. Which statement is always true, but only for a re-test?A. We are running a test that we have run before.B. The last time we ran the test it found a fault.C. We have expected results for the test.

  • Testers Sensible Goal

    What is a sensible goal for testers?A. To show that a system works.B. To show that a system does not work.C. To detect faults in the system.D. To show that there are no faults left in the system.

  • Faults Found by Users

    Faults found by users in production are due toA. poor quality softwareB. poor software and poor testingC. bad luckD. insufficient time for testing

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 13th, 2009

    Faults found by users in production are due to:

    The best answer is B) poor software and poor testing

    A) is true, but not as complete as B)

    D) may also be true, but not as complete as B)

    E) is obviously false because quality has nothing to do with luck


    • Nov 13th, 2009

    Faults found by users in production are due to:The best answer is B) poor software and poor testingA) is true, but not as complete as B)D) may also be true, but not as complete as B)E) is obviously false because quality has nothing to do with luck

  • Testing Approach

    When you ask users to test software, what approach should they take?A. They should scan the user manual looking for situations of interest which they then test, menu option by menu option.B. They sit at the terminal, dreaming up situations randomly visiting all the features of the system to ensure they get broad coverage of the system.C. They work out what business processes are supported by the system,...

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 13th, 2009

    The only reasonable answer is D) Users cannot test software effectively. 

    Users typically test a system during the Beta release of a product.  Though companies should not rely only on this type of testing, it is useful in uncovering defects at little cost to the company.  Throughout this period, users perform their day-to-day activities and are not thinking about product quality.  They rarely if ever scan the user manual looking for situations of interest to test, so the answer is not A).  They generally don't dream up situations randomly to visit all of the features of the system, so the answer is also not B).  They don't have access to the company's business processes, so the answer is not C). 


    • Nov 1st, 2011

    I still cannot understand why people are willing to waste time in posting already answered questions? Can you please use the search feature in this site and save everyone's time including yours? This does really anger a lot of people FYI

  • How will you write a test case for Graph Calculation?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 13th, 2009

    I would study the functional requirements and technical specifications and then I would create test cases based on my knowledge.  In general, I would do the following:

    1) Enter valid data in all fields and verify graph is properly displayed
    2) Enter valid data in all but one field and invalid numeric data in remaining field and ensure validation
    3) Enter valid data in all but one field and no data in remaining field and ensure validation
    3) Use boundary value analysis to select input data
    4) Use equivalence class partitioning to minimize input data
    5) Enter alpha characters in all fields and verify validation
    6) Enter special characters in all fields and verify validation


    • Dec 13th, 2009

    I would study the functional requirements and technical specifications and then I would create test cases based on my knowledge.  In general, I would do the following:1) Enter valid data in all f...

  • How will you find the bugs if the application is partially running?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 11th, 2009

    Generally, when an application is partially running, it is no longer in a stable state suitable for testing.  Reboot your system (or reinstall a clean image of the build) and attempt to reproduce the issue, paying particular attention to the steps required to get there. Document your findings in a defect report.  Don't forget to include screen shot(s). If error messages are returned by the application during failure, include this in your report.

    If you want to determine the source of the existing defect, then check the Error Logs on the local and/or serving computers.  The error messages in these logs will often describe the nature and source of the problem. Testers can set the Event Filter of this log if they know the event type or session they wish to examine.  Event Details provides an exception stack trace that can be included in the defect report.


    • Jan 15th, 2012

    I have a problem with the question though - Define "partially running". 1) Why would you waste time on testing & troubleshooting something that did not meet the Test Entry Criteria? 2) If the tester ...

  • Website Testing Tool

    Which tool is ideal for website testing in which performance, response time and functionality is required to be tested?

  • Font and alignments Testing

    How will you perform testing font and alignments in a web site manually?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 30th, 2009

    There are many ways to test font and alignment on a website.  Font type and font alignment in webpage frames and tables must correspond to those found in the technical specification.  Approved wireframes and mock-ups provide even more information.  Either compare pages against these documents or compare their source against approved CSS files. 

  • Concurrency Testing

    In what scenario concurrency testing is done? Give real time scenario for the same.

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 6th, 2009

    Concurrency testing is performed when there are two or more scenarios being tested on the same application at the same time.  A common form of concurrency testing takes place when two users are logged into the same application and a tester wishes to determine how their activities impact one another.  It is commonly employed to test web sessions and state management.


    • Nov 6th, 2009

    Concurrency testing is performed when there are two or more scenarios being tested on the same application at the same time.  A common form of concurrency testing takes place when two users are l...

  • Roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project Manager

    How do you differentiate the roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project Manager?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 26th, 2009

    I will answer this question as these roles apply to software.

    Project managers are responsible for the overall success of software projects from conception to deployment.  The tasks of a project manager include:
    1) Creates and executes project plans and revises them as appropriate to meet changing requirements.
    2) Manages daily operations of a project.
    3) Ensures project documents are complete, current, and stored appropriately.
    4) Reviews deliverables before passing them to client.
    5) Enforces project standards.
    6) Mitigates risks.

    Quality Assurance managers are responsible for the quality of software throughout the software development process.  The tasks of a Quality Assurance manager include:
    1) Establishes the environments and tools required to prevent and detect software defects. 
    2) Establishes quality standards and procedures to be employed throughout software development projects.
    3) Creates and grows QA and Test teams through hiring and training.
    4) Removes obstacles that impede quality assurance and test progress.
    5) Delivers reports to stakeholders who need to make informed decisions about software quality.
    6) Monitors and assesses QA and Test team performance.

  • Verification Checks

    Why it is recommended to add verification checks to your all your scenarios?


    • Aug 8th, 2017

    When a page is being requested from server, its not only important to know the time required for the page to download but also to make sure that CORRECT PAGE is being downloaded from server. Verification points in your scripts help you do that.


    • Mar 12th, 2014

    Its very necessary to keep verification checks why because we need to know the web page is successfully loaded or not in case of web applications we are using.

  • Application Re-Test

    In an application currently in production, one module of code is being modified. Is it necessary to re-test the whole application or is it enough to just test functionality associated with that module?


    • Nov 10th, 2009

    The depth of any test effort depends on the amount of time and resources management is willing to spend on it. This decision is largely based on the application under test, ranging from applications ...

  • Testing a Product

    How do you know when the product is tested well enough?


    • Oct 20th, 2011

    When you are working on a project on services side, you are in fact working on an application. so the exit criteria (when to know to stop testing) is no different for a "product." So all the criteria ...

  • Improve QA Process

    How will you begin to improve the QA process?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 17th, 2009

    Of course, the answer to this question depends on time, budget, and resources.  Generally, this is how I would begin: I would evaluate QA processes based on past experience and the feedback that I've received from others (ex: Post Mortem - lessons learned). Then I would select projects that are feasible and will return the greatest value for our effort and focus my attention on them.


    • Dec 17th, 2009

    Of course, the answer to this question depends on time, budget, and resources.  Generally, this is how I would begin: I would evaluate QA processes based on past experience and the feedback that ...

  • Non Understandable Requirement

    A requirement is non understandable and is given for testing / to write Test Case. How you will pass this situation?


    • Nov 25th, 2010

    To start with i will check if this requirement is an extension of the existing application or a total new functionality.If it is an existing one then will try to corelate the requirement with the exis...

  • Non Testable Change Request (CR)

    10 Client Request (changes) is done for a web application and came for testing in Maintenance phase, From those 5 changes are testable, remaining cannot be tested. How will you ensure that non testable Change Request (CR) are implemented?


    • Dec 17th, 2009

    Why are the remaining 5 CRs untestable?  Is it because the test environment is not set up to properly test them?  If so, the most reliable way to ensure the CRs are properly implemented would be to verify this in the production environment.   

  • Mobile Test Scenario

    A Newly made Mobile phone is given for you to Test at first. While you Switch-on the mobile it would freeze. As a Tester, what the necessary steps you will take?


    • Sep 7th, 2012

    If you are having mobile with dual SIM check whether the both SIMs are working properly are not. Check the option that to save the charge we can disable any one of the SIM properly or not if it not working send the issue to development team.

  • Test KYC (Know Your Customer) Form

    As a tester how or in what way will you test the KYC form in the banking application?How will you develop the test case for the same?


    • Dec 31st, 2009

    My response to the question assumes the Know Your Customer (KYC) Form is delivered on a web page via a secured network after a person has signed in and registered.In general, I would do the following:...

  • Role of Configuration Controller

    What are the roles of CC (Configuration Controller) in project?

  • Product Testing Test Strategy

    How will you present Test Strategy for Product Testing?


    • Oct 20th, 2011

    It mainly depends on the industry the application is targeted at. The industry will tell you the application type. You will never find a tailor-made test strategy for each type of application. If thi...


    • Dec 22nd, 2009

    This depends on the industry, company, and project.  Generally my test strategy includes:1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose1.2 Context1.3 Target readership1.4 Source material and references2 OBJECTIVE AND...

  • Root Cause of Bug

    As a test enginner, How will you find the root cause for the bug that occured in the production or live, which has been already tested and certified.How will you face the situation?


    • Sep 9th, 2009

    It is a very general case in software testing that any bug is found on the production and it was not present on the testing environment. If anything happens like this then we should proceed in the fol...

  • QA Process

    1. In QA team, What does the term Process refer to?2. What are the different type of process?

  • Regression Statements

    Which of the following statements about Regression statements are true?1. Regression testing must consist of a fixed set of tests to create a base line2. Regression tests should be used to detect defects in new feature3. Regression testing can be run on every build4. Regression testing should be targeted areas of high risk and known code change5. Regression testing when automated, is highly effective...

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 5th, 2009

    I believe the following statements are true about regression testing.

    3. Regression testing can be run on every build
    4. Regression testing should be targeted areas of high risk and known code change
    5. Regression testing when automated, is highly effective in preventing defects. 

  • Rejecting the Build

    When the build comes to the QA team, what are the parameters to be taken for consideration to reject the build upfront without committing for testing ?

    • Oct 14th, 2011

    Reasons..reasons.. 1. Smoke tests fail. These tests are already listed in the test plan, if not come up with the most important and common transactions performed by users. 2. Release notes is not pro...

  • mclabe Cyclomatic Complexity

    What does the mclabe cyclomatic complexity of a program determine?


    • Dec 31st, 2009

    Cyclomatic complexity is likely the most widely used complexity metric in software engineering.  It describes the complexity of a procedure by measuring the linearly independent paths through its source code. 

  • Search Operation Expected Results

    How do you obtain the expexted results for testing a search operation?


    • Nov 22nd, 2009

    The answer to this question depends on the application that is using the search engine as well as the nature of the search term.  If the user is searching an application for content, like a websi...

  • Testing Effort Estimation

    How to estimate testing effort following two cases i.e. 1. If Client having high level requirement only. Ex:100 high level requirement2. If client having prototype of the application only.3. If Client having usecases only.4. If client does have any req or usecases.

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 8th, 2009

    I'm not sure I fully understand the question, but I will take a stab at this:

    In our group, the testing effort is generally considered to be 30 percent of the total development effort in terms of resources when all of the deliverables are properly and thoroughly provided to the test team.   These deliverables include requirements and specifications.

    "Requirements" refers to the business requirements of the program
    "Specifications" refers to the technical specifications of the program

    In our group, it is a bonus if we receive usecases.  Typically, this isn't necessary when a complete and thorough listing of requirements have been provided.

    1.  If the client only has the high level requirements, then it depends on how "high" the requirements truly are.  If the requirements are so high that all of the necessary test cases can not be reasonably produced with the information given, then extra effort will be needed to query for more complete requirements.  If testers must ask specific questions because details are not fully explained in the requirements, this will necessarily incur an increase in test time and resources.

    Likewise, the test team has not been given technical specifications for the program.  This will incur even more test time and resources when questions are raised such as, "What is the maximum number of characters users can enter in this text box?" or "Are users required to enter a phone number in any particular format?"   

    In scenario 1, the testing effort estimation is much greater than 30 percent and its specific value depends on information that has not been divulged.

    2.  If the client only has a prototype, the test team will make it clear that it can not verify whether the program meets company business needs because there are no requirements.  Without requirements, the test team can only ensure that the program is stable and user-friendly.  The test team may push back and let project manager/marketing/engineering know that it does not recommend an appreciable amount of test effort be applied to the project until requirements are provided.  If the test team is compelled to devote a full test run on the project, then it must be made clear that test will not endorse (sign off) on the project and will have to test the program again when the requirements are furnished to the test team. This being the case, significantly more test time and resources will need to be applied to the project.  

    As we saw earlier, even more test time and effort will be needed when questions arise due to the lack of technical specifications.

    In scenario 2, the testing effort estimation is much greater than 30 percent and its specific value depends on information that has not been divulged.

    3.  If the client furnishes usecases, and if the usecases were based on business requirements, then test will need to verify whether all of the requirements were covered in the usecases.  If not, then more test time and effort will be needed to ask the appropriate questions to fill the gap of missing requirements.  If the usecases cover all the requirements, and if we can get project manager/marketing/engineering to confirm and sign off on this, then test can begin authoring test cases based on the use cases. 

    Yet, as we saw earlier, more test time and effort will be needed when questions arise due to the lack of technical specifications.

    In scenario 3, the testing effort estimation is greater than 30 percent but less than scenarios 1 and 2.  Still, its specific value depends on information that has not been divulged. 

    4. If the client provides the requirements and usecases, then we are still missing the technical specifications.  Yet, this scenario gets us closest to the test team's resources being 30 percent of total development cost.  Nevertheless, it is still over 30 percent.

  • Handle Bugs in Live / Production

    Suppose a bug has been produced in live for the piece of functionality you have carried out testing. How will you give explanation to PM/Manager?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 10th, 2009

    The question is:  Suppose a bug has been produced in live for the piece of functionality you have carried out testing. How will you give explanation to PM/Manager?  

    This issue can not be considered 'Out of Scope' and there must be a test case for it because it is 'a piece of functionality you have carried out testing'. 

    In this scenario, the tester will need to research to determine whether the issue was caused by 1) a faulty test case, 2) a difference between Production and Test environments, or 3) by the tester's mistake or lack of follow-through.  Whatever the case may be, it is the tester's responsibility to isolate the problem and take steps to correct it.  Once this has been accomplished, then the particulars of the issue should be fully disclosed to the appropriate individuals (Project Manager, Test Manager, etc.).

    1. Faulty Test Case: 
    a) Does the test case accurately map to the proper business requirement?  If not, then perhaps the business requirement was missed and this becomes the source of the problem.
    b) Is the business requirement incorrect?  If so, then the requirement needs to be rewritten and new test case(s) produced from this new requirement.
    c) Was the test case authored improperly.  That is, did the tester misunderstand the business requirement and create an improper test case?  If so, then the test case(s) need to be reauthored based on this newly correct understanding.

    2. Difference between Production and Test Environment:
    Does the defect occur only in the Production environment but not in the Test environment?  If so, then this must be made perfectly clear to management.  The tester may need to work with other functional groups to figure out how to bring the Test environment in alignment with Production in order to prevent this issue from reoccuring.

    3. Tester oversight or lack of follow through.  As humans, we sometimes make mistakes.  There are situations when the amount of time that a test team is allowed to test becomes constricted and testers feel they must hurry to finish their test runs.  In these situations, testers inadvertently miss test steps or even entire test cases.  And it is Murphy's Law that the overlooked test case will be the one that could have uncovered a significant defect!  If this happens, the tester must own up to the error and inform management.  I have made my share of mistakes--we all do.  It is best to admit the blunder and take personal measures to ensure it doesn't happen again.  The most important aspect of ANY relationship, work or otherwise, is trust.  And if you try to cover up your mistakes, you will quickly lose the trust of your managment and cohorts.  Honest is truly the best policy in any circumstance!


    • Jan 18th, 2010

    We will check the compatibility and the environment which they are running the software. If there is the issue of compatibility then fault is not from Tester. We will go in Root Cause of the issue and...

  • Testing Integrated Software Components

    What are the challenges when software components are being brought together from different business units and must be integrated and tested?

  • Quantitative Metrics

    What are the Quantitative Metrics collected in testing projects?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 18th, 2009

    A Test metric is a standard means of measuring some attribute of the software testing process.  They establish test progress against the test schedule and may be an indicator of future results.  Metrics are produced in two forms – base and derived metrics.

    Examples of base metrics:
    # New test cases
    # Regression test cases
    # Test cases run
    # Test cases not run
    # Passes
    # Fails
    # Test cases under investigation
    # Test cases blocked

    Examples of derived metrics:
    % Test cases complete
    % Test cases passed
    % Test cases failed
    % Test cases blocked
    % Test defects corrected


    • Nov 18th, 2009

    A Test metric is a standard means of measuring some attribute of the software testing process.  They establish test progress against the test schedule and may be an indicator of future results.&n...

  • Prevent Defects

    How can the Testing Organization help prevent defects from occurring?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 20th, 2009

    The earlier QA gets involved in the software development process, and the greater their presence in this process, the more they will help prevent defects. 

    QA can review software design documents (cross-functional peer reviews) before software engineers begin developing their code.  QA can maintain its presence and continue to offer feedback throughout the development process until the initial release of the program to test.  

    QA will not prevent defects from occurring, but can minimize the quantity and severity of defects by:
    1) Fully understanding the scope of the software development project,
    2) Getting involved at the earliest possible stage in the development cycle,
    3) Reviewing the project plan for development and offering feedback, and
    4) Maintaining a presence in the development process before the first release to test.


    • Nov 20th, 2009

    The earlier QA gets involved in the software development process, and the greater their presence in this process, the more they will help prevent defects.  QA can review software design documents...

  • Maintain Testing Organization

    How to grow and maintain a Testing Organization?

  • Standard Testing Roles

    What testing roles are standard on most testing projects? Explain different testing roles.

  • Redundant Testcases

    How will you determine if a test case is necessary or redundant?


    • Dec 11th, 2009

    Here are a couple suggestions:1) Perform a reverse trace on the test cases and aggregate them into contiguous groupings associated each their requirements and compare the cases within these groupings ...


    • Aug 18th, 2009

    Redundant test cases are determined, if(i) If similar test cases are present in test case pool or a requirement is having more than similar test cases then it is termed as redundant.Another definition...

  • Adequate Test cases for Testing

    How do you know when you have enough test cases to adequately test a software module? What criteria do you use to make sure that you have enough test cases?


    • Dec 11th, 2009

    From a functional testing perspective, you know you have created all of the necessary test cases by:1) Conducting peer reviews with senior 2) Ensuring all test cases are mapped to their corresponding ...

  • Test Cookies

    How will you test cookies in web testing?


    • Dec 20th, 2009

    TESTING COOKIESIn simple terms, a cookie is information that a web service provider places on a hard drive so it can remember something about its user at a later time.  Several ways to test cooki...


    • Oct 23rd, 2009

    Some Major Test cases for web application cookie testing: The first obvious test case is to test if your application is writing cookies properly on disk. Test cases:  1) As a Cookie privacy pol...

  • Fixing of Bugs

    In which phase of SDLC, the fixing of bugs is least expensive?In which phase of SDLC, the fixing of bugs is most expensive?

  • Break-In Function

    What is a break-in function? How do you perform this in software testing?

  • Risk Management Plan

    What are the contents of Risk management Plan? Have you ever prepared a Risk Management Plan ?


    • Nov 24th, 2009

    Risk is the likelihood and impact (positive or negative) that an event or series of events may occur. It analyzes the probability that these event(s) become an issue as well as their impact. Risk mana...

  • Defect Report

    Describe to the basic elements you put in a defect report?


    • Dec 22nd, 2009

    Components of a defect report:1) defect id2) test case reference3) project name4) build found5) priority6) severity  7) status8) assigned to 9) submitted by10) submitted date 11) brief title 12) ...

  • Perform Testing Without Expected Results

    How will you perform testing without expected results?

  • Impact Analysis

    What is Impact analysis? As a tester how will you do impact analysis in your project?


    • Nov 12th, 2015

    Analyzing the impact of the changes in the deployed application or product. Regression testing need carefully.


    • Feb 2nd, 2015

    Impact analysis is basically analyzing the impact of the changes in the deployed application or product. It tells us about the parts of the system that may be unintentionally got affected because o...

  • Acceptance Testing

    The main focus of acceptance testing is:a) Finding faults in the systemb) Ensuring that the system is acceptable to all usersc) Testing the system with other systemsd) Testing from a business perspective.


    • Sep 30th, 2022

    Before accepting the product customer go with the user acceptance testing. customer check the basic and critical modules of the application. and after his approval we handover the application to the customer

  • Common Functionality

    Before starting to write a script, How will you find the test cases that have the same functionality? and How will you maintain the code?


    • Nov 20th, 2009

    Another way to identify potential test cases that have the same functionality is to review 1) business requirements, 2) technical specifications, 3) mock-ups and 4) work-flow diagrams.  These doc...

  • Tag a Release

    What does it mean to tag a release? Why is it important to do this before testing?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 15th, 2009

    One feature common to all version control systems is the ability to label or tag a release. Effectively, this provides a virtual “snapshot” of the state of all files at the time a release is built. In some systems like Clearcase, a label is attached to files, while in others, like Subversion, a label (or tag) is presented as a separate ‘directory’ in the repository. In either case, both allow you to turn the clock back to the moment of a release and rebuild things as they were at that time.

  • Functional and Usability Defects

    What is meant by functional defects and usability defects in general? Give example.

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 14th, 2009

    Functional testing refers to tests that verify a specific action or function of an application. Functional testing is performed by testers. Usability testing is a technique used to evaluate a product by testing it on users.  For example, when a tester finds that a text box is not validating properly, he has discovered a functional defect.  When a user doesn't understand a validation message because it uses technical jargon, this would be considered a usability defect.

    It is a good idea to differentiate where defects originate in order to more practically assess a defect's Severity and Priority and many quality managment systems include a "Where found" field that helps identify the source of a defect as being functional (found by tester) or usability (found by end-user). 

    Some software test teams have extended the definition of usability defect to include any defect that describes a lack of intuitiveness when using an application.   

  • Test Case Review

    Suppose your colleague has written test cases for a functionality and you are reviewing those test cases, how will you conclude that the test cases were correct?


    • Dec 11th, 2009

    I would ensure the following criteria are met:1) The project is well-defined and easy to find in the quality management tool.2) The test suite is well-organized, intuitive and easy to navigate.3) Test...


    • Aug 25th, 2009

    I will consider the following thing while reviewing test cases:1. Test cases are written exactly by following requirements.2. There must be at least one test case for the functionalities described in ...

  • Mis-Communication in Bug

    What will you (Tester) do if there is miscommunication in bugs, Every cycle is Ignored from developer side and Re-Opened from tester Side?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 6th, 2009

    In every test cycle, the defect is consistently 'Ignored' by the developer and 'Re-Opened' by the tester.  This problem exists due to a miscommunication somewhere.  What will you do as a tester to rectify this issue?

    1) I would first make sure that I have entered accurate and thorough details in the defect report in order for the developer to reproduce the issue. I would include details about the test environment so the developer can duplicate it.  I would also include screen shots to prove the defect does indeed exist. 

    If the developer 'Ignores' this, then s/he obviously believes there is no defect at all and that the application's functionality is working precisely as it is supposed to.

    2) Next, I would cite the requirement in the defect report and describe my interpretation of it.  Then I would describe how the existing functionality does not meet the intended requirement.

    If the developer 'Ignores' this as well, then I begin to consider whether I have misinterpreted the requirement. It is possible that the developer is correct.

    3) I would revisit and study the requirement to determine whether I misunderstood it when creating my test case(s).  If necessary, I would meet with the Business Analyst to gain further understanding about the requirement.  I would discuss my test case and the defect with the Business Analyst to determine whether my understanding and approach is correct.
    If my research convinces me that I have fully understood the requirement and that my test case accurately and thoroughly tests it, then I would meet with the developer and discuss the results of my investigation with him/her.  I would explain the requirement in the manner intended by the Business Analyst.  I would reproduce

    the issue in an attempt to prove how the defect fails to satisfy the requirement.  Hopefully, the developer will be encouraged to fix the defect.

    If the developer continues to 'Ignore' this issue, then I will get the Business Analyst involved.

    4) I would set up a meeting with the developer, Business Analyst, and myself in attendance.  I would encourage the Business Analyst to explain the requirement to the developer and explain how the test case and its results properly exercise the requirement and identify a failure. 

    If the developer still 'ignores' this issue, perhaps it is time to replace the developer!


    • Feb 18th, 2010

    If a developer is fixing bugs with their own ideas and schedule in mind that means he is not following the test cases, he changing the status to IGNORED, then it is an error on the part of the develop...

  • Missed Bugs

    If tester is asked to test a Build within short period, After Testing, How will you (Tester) react if the Developers says that you have missed the bugs?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 17th, 2009

    1) I would ask the developer to identify precisely what bugs I missed.
    2) I would the review the list of bugs in the build notes and compare this with the suite of test cases that I had run during the test cycle. 
    3) If this is not the release build, then I would add test cases for the missed bugs in the suite of test cases for the next test iteration
    4) If this is the release candidate, then I would immediately raise this issue with management and let them decide how to proceed based on the bugs' priority and severity levels.


    • Sep 23rd, 2009

    Testers need to finalize and communicate the scope of testing as well as depth of testing  clearly before testing the build under pressure. This should be communicated both to developers as well ...

  • Conflict with Developer

    On what issues will a user have conflict with a developer?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Nov 10th, 2009

    Conflicts with developers arise from the lack of patience and empathy; when a tester and developer forget that they are ultimately striving to reach the same goal. 

    Conflicts generally arise through lack of misunderstanding due to miscommunication.  In my organization, this typically occurs when a developer closes a defect stating that it can't be reproduced.  If this situation is not handled carefully, it can lead to conflict.  

    Conflict initiators are:
    1)  Tester did not provide a clear and/or accurate description of the defect.  For example, the tester may report the error name or text and the developer might be looking for an error number. 

    2)  Tester did not provide a thorough description of the defect.  For example, tester may not mention that the defect was found in a particular test environment and the developer assumed it was caused in a different one.

    3)  Developer misinterprets the defect even though it was authored accurately, clearly and thoroughly.  Devs aren't perfect.  Under time constraints to reach milestones, they sometimes overlook key points in defect reports and end up closing bugs that should get fixed. 

    Conflict negators are:
    1)  Establish a standard defect reporting process and get Test and Development to fully understand and adopt it. 

    2) Empathy: Understand that everyone is under pressure to meet deadlines and we are all on the same team to reach a common goal.

    3) Patience: Understand that nobody's perfect.


    • Sep 20th, 2012

    Tester - developer conflict occur when developer say "could not see the reported bug". This could happen when Testers test environment differ from developrs or when the bug is not reproducible, occuri...

  • Software Quality Assurance

    Why software quality assurance is important to developers?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 22nd, 2009

    Quality assurance designs and implements measures to prevent defects and it helps developers minimize the number and severity of defects released to the test team. 


    • Aug 11th, 2009

    Finding defects from the initial makes better to provide good quality of the software.SQA is a Preventive process. Quality is maintained from each and every phases. SQA focus on processes like defining, continuous improvement with the goal of defect prevention.

  • Plan Test Cycles

    How do you plan your test cycles in your current position?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 4th, 2009

    A test cycle includes both a testing effort and a development effort to fix defects and deliver a new build to the test team.  Elements of a test cycle that consume time are:
    1) Software development effort to resolve defects and deliver a new build to test
    2) Re-test bug fixes
    3) Regression tests
    4) Functional tests

    In order to plan test cycles in a software development project, I would need to answer the following questions:
    1) How much time do we have to fully test the software from the time this software is first introduced to test through the time the software is considered of good enough quality to release?
    2) How stringent is the company's exit criteria?  The more relaxed the exit criteria, the fewer test cycles will be required to satisfy it.
    3) What are the number of test cases?  The larger the number, the more time will be required to execute them during each test run.
    4) What is the average duration required to execute test cases?  The greater the number of steps and the greater their complexity, the longer it will take to execute test cases on an average.
    5) How many testers will execute test cases?  The fewer the number of testers involved, the longer it will take to complete each test cycle.
    6) How many defects do you expect to find during each test cycle.  The greater the number of defects, the more time will be required to verify them during test cycles. 
    7) How much time will be required for the development team to resolve defects between test cycles?  Consider these factors: a) complexity of software, b) expertise of development staff, and c) the quality of communication between test and the 
    development staff.
    8) How firm is the target release date?  Will influential stakeholders allow this date to slip if significant issues arise?
    9) What is the liklihood that major revisions of the software will occur during the testing phase of the project?

    After receiving answers to these questions, I would plan a software project's test cycles.  

    1) Testing begins Feb 1, 2010 and ends Mar 31, 2010.  We've got two months to fully test this application. 
    2) The software must have no more than 25 open defects and none of them can be Priority1 or Priority2. 
    3) There are 1000 test cases
    4) The average tester can execute 50 test cases per day.  
    5) We have 5 testers.
    6) Our company has been creating similar applications for some time and we do not expect an inordinate number of defects.
    7) The development team can resolve issues and deliver a new build to testers in 3 days.
    8) Marketing has already released a press release announcing the release date of the application, so this deadline is firm.
    9) The company has done its up-front planning and we are confident the requirements are accurate, thorough, and will not require revision.

    a. We have 43 business days to test this application
    b. 50 * 5 = 250 test cases executed per day
    c. 1000 / 250 = 4 days to execute all test cases in each test pass
    d. Add a day for re-tests, regression tests and unexpected issues that may arise
    e. 3 day turnaround for dev staff to fix defects and deliver a new build to test
    f. Each test pass (all testing + bug fixes) will require 8 days
    g. 43 / 8 = 5.375 test passes

    This test project can have as many as 5 test cycles if necessary.  If the product meets the exit criteria in fewer cycles, all the better. 


    • Jul 16th, 2009

    This is fully dependent on your project and business and user requirement.First analyse the requirement.
    Develop the test plan.Start writing the test cases.Test Execution.Result analysis.Defect

  • Reduce Test Time

    If you were running out of testing time on a project, what activities would you perform to reduce test time?


    • Aug 26th, 2009

    To reduce test time please follow the following points:1. Understand scope of testing first.2. Create effective test cases using s/w testing techniques.3. Prioritize test cases.4. Go for automation using any automation tool.

  • Upgrade and New Versions

    What are upgrade and new versions of project? what is the difference between them?


    • Aug 31st, 2009

    The question is not very clear. Upgrade - an action - is updating the software from 'old version' to 'new version'.New version is the updated software with or without new functionaliti...

  • Cost Of Quality

    Given the following costs: Requirement Analysis – Rs1000, Code Review – Rs500, Review of User Documents – Rs600, Continuing Education Programs – Rs800, Design – Rs400, Then what is the Cost of Quality?


    • Apr 26th, 2010

    The costs  that are intended to improve the quality of the product are the Costs of Quality. In fact all of a company's efforts to prevent and detect defects are "Costs of Quality"...


    • Feb 6th, 2010

    In nutsheel, we can say that any expenditure towards establishing/maintaining the Quality (SQA audits of process/product, peer review for preventing defects, repairing the code, Testing, cost imp...

  • Benifits of Automation Frame work

    Which among the following are benefits of Automation Frame work?a) Faster development of new scriptb) Limited maintenance c) Both of the aboved) None of the above

  • Severe Bug

    What severe bug you raised while testing a web application which you are proud of?

  • Relation between Test Cases, Requirements and Defects

    How will you trace the relation between test cases, requirements and defects?


    • Dec 21st, 2009

    Here's the relationship between requirements, test cases and defects:  Test cases are authored to test conformance to requirements.  Therefore, any defect found during the execution of a test case indicates nonconformance to a requirement. 

  • Prority for Submodule to Test

    While testing you came to known that submodule C contains 150% more defects that other 6 modules.Submodule A has 60% lesses bugs that expected.what should be strategy:1.Tester should concentrate more on MODULE C because it has more bugs that other modules.2.tester should concentrate more on MODULE A because it has lesses bugs.3.Tester should executive a few tests for Submodule C.4.This much information...

  • Test Camparator

    What does Test comparator tool does:1.Compare expected and actual results.2.Generates data.3.Generate test cases4.None of the above.


    • Dec 12th, 2009

    A Test Comparator is a test tool that compares the actual outputs produced by the software under test with the expected outputs for that test case.  The answer is 1. Compare expected and actual results.

  • Testing Effort

    What is the percentage (%) of the testing efforts in SDLC?


    • Nov 15th, 2009

    The percentage of overall software development resources devoted to testing varies greatly based on the following factors:1) VARIES BY INDUSTRY:  What are the ramifications if the program is rele...

  • Bug Fixing Priority

    Which of these is the most important one to fix first, and why? a. The word "BlackBerry" is misspelled on the startup screen of the application.b. The application always rejects a user's first attempt to launch the application; subsequent attempts are successful.c. The application crashes and brings down the database server when it tries to add a record that contains an uncommon string, "123abc456xyz789".

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    • Member Since Feb-2009 | Mar 25th, 2009

    Priority will be given based on stage of life cycle,

    1) Assume that application is middle stage (I mean to say build is 3rd one and still few more to come) and you are testing the application to accept it (Smoke/sanity Testing) for further testing I would like to give the preference as B, A, C Why I am giving last preference to C is when I am giving uncommon string then the application is getting crash, but as of now we have alternative and that is positive value, so with positive value we can work with the application Next why A is given second preference “black berry†Its company Name, not a simple title of application

    And lastly why I am giving first preference to BI am not able to launch the application in first attempt then it is a major issue, while accepting the build (smoke/sanity testing) if you are not able to launch then definitely we will reject the build.

    2) Assume application is completed and ready for use, then also I will give B, A, C Let me tell you in general way, Suppose you are a customer and interested to purchase Blackberry mobile and if it is not launching in first attempt, do you purchase that piece, no one will purchase, and coming second one company Label, Company goodwill is linked to it, and with this mistakes goodwill will be degraded so second preference, and coming to last one we have an alternative and that is we can give positive values with which that particular functionality will work Please correct me if I am wrong.


    • Jun 30th, 2016

    Bug is fixed according to its priority i.e
    1) Very High: Immediate fix needed, block further testing.
    2) High: Must get fixed before the product is released.
    3) Medium: Should fix if time permits.
    4) Low: Would like to fix but can be released as it is.


    • Nov 29th, 2015

    I hope that the following ans is helpful... 1) In these scenarios first we have to fix B, why because with out lancing of the application we cant do anything. 2) Secondly we have to fix A. why becau...

  • Isolate the Problem

    The BlackBerry handheld has a basic calculator. With the software load you are testing, you find that you cannot enter the number "6". What steps would you take to further isolate the problem?

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    Melinda Young  

    • Member Since May-2009 | May 26th, 2009

    1. Type 0~5 and 7~9 for Calculator, make sure whether the other numbers can be inputed. (This is to check Calculator can do wht number input well or not)

    2. Try 18/3 for example with Calculator (This is to check 6 can be displayed well or not)
    3. Exit Calculator, dial a telephone number which contains 6 or try other applications (for example email/text/address...) to input number 6(This is to check key "6" works well or not outside of Calculator)

  • Test Item Tree

    Test item tree helps to determine the risk for every component in the application. What is Test item tree? Can you provide an example that helps to create a test item tree?

  • Calculate Effort Estimation

    How will you calculate the effort estimation for a project?


    • Dec 17th, 2009

    The two primary elements in test estimation are time and resources. Your estimation needs to take both into account. There are many questions you need to answer in order to do test estimation. Th...

  • 100 Bananas

    A man ate 100 bananas in five days, each day eating 6 more than the previous day. How many bananas did he eat on the first day?

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    vijay pal saharan  

    • Member Since Mar-2009 | Mar 25th, 2009

    Let the number of bananas he ate first day be x.
    then x+x+6+x+12+x+18+x+24=100

    that is, he ate 8 bananas on first day.


    • Aug 14th, 2015



    • Aug 12th, 2015


  • Game Testing

    There is game which has 20 levels. Only an expert can reach the 20the level. If you, as a tester, can play the game only upto 12th level then how will you test the game at 20th level?

    Gaurav Parsewar

    • Sep 25th, 2017

    I would request to the developer to give me temporary access to the full game for testing purpose after the completion of testing again i request to the developer to remove that temporary access.

    Durga Madhaba Nayak

    • Sep 9th, 2017

    No doubt about that you can use debug or cheat code to reach that level. But the best option is that you should ask the developer about the play through. Because you could not be sure even if you find the defect on that level by using debug mode.

  • Bug Triage

    What is Bug Triage? What is its use in the testing process? How it is done?


    • Nov 3rd, 2009

    Bug Triage is nothing but making a meeting and examine the Bugs in order to Fix ( Prioritize )--Some bugs needs to be Hot Fix (High priority to close the bug)--Some bugs needs to Fix later (Medium)--Some bugs need not be fix (Low)

  • Incomplete Requirement

    What would you do if the requirement is incomplete?


    • Dec 4th, 2009

    If I ran across an incomplete requirement during my requirements review, I would1) inform the Business Analyst (person in the organization responsible for preparing requirements) and set up a time to ...


    • Dec 3rd, 2009

    When requirements are incomplete or unclear, it is a tester's responsiblility to address this issue with business analyst, project manager, developers, or other stakeholders responsible for making changes and ensure that the gap is filled before test execution begins. 

  • Printer Crash

    Give 5 reasons as to why a printer would crash while printing 999th page.


    • Dec 25th, 2009

    Does this problem only occur while printing the 999th page?Does this problem always occur while printing the 999th page?Here are some possible reasons:1) Print spooler buffer overrun error2) Contentio...


    • Sep 9th, 2009

    Following could be the reasons for printer crash while printing 999th page:1. Overburden on the printer.2. Printer is out of paper error.3. Printer head is heated too much to respond.4. Printer is out of ink.5. 998th page is stuck inisde the printer.

  • Co-existence Testing

    What is co-existence testing? Why do we do it? What would be the passing criteria for a successful co-existence? Any sample application where you feel we require this kind of testing?

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    • Member Since Nov-2008 | Feb 11th, 2009

    Coexistence testing involves the working of application, on different hardware & software configurations. It checks the performance of the application with different combinations of different types of resources.

    Compatibility testing checks if the two systems or two different resources are able to exchange the information successfully when an application is implemented or installed. This testing is usually performed when an already existing program is replaced with a new application.


    • Jan 21st, 2015

    Do we have any specific tools to perform the co existance testing or a functional automation tool can automate these activities ?
    Please help.


    • Dec 24th, 2009

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