Test Database Upgrade
Suppose a DB has just been upgraded from Oracle 10g to 11. What testing factors will you look at?
Ad-hoc Testing
Ad-hoc testing is performed when there are no requirements or specifications to draw upon. How well can you discover defects through ad-hoc testing?
Remove Defects in Production
How many times it is costlier to remove defects in production than removing them before coding?a) 10 timesb) 50 timesc) 100 timesd) 200 times
Testing Difficulty
Which of the situations below make systems more difficult to test?A. The requirements/specifications are unclear.B. Testers were not involved in the review of the requirements.C. The software provides little information about its internal state.D. The software is so complex, it is difficult to calculate the expected results correctly.E. All of the above.
Regression Testing and Re-testing
Two of the following three statements are always true for both regression testing and re-testing. Which statement is always true, but only for a re-test?A. We are running a test that we have run before.B. The last time we ran the test it found a fault.C. We have expected results for the test.
Testers Sensible Goal
What is a sensible goal for testers?A. To show that a system works.B. To show that a system does not work.C. To detect faults in the system.D. To show that there are no faults left in the system.
Faults Found by Users
Faults found by users in production are due toA. poor quality softwareB. poor software and poor testingC. bad luckD. insufficient time for testing
Testing Approach
When you ask users to test software, what approach should they take?A. They should scan the user manual looking for situations of interest which they then test, menu option by menu option.B. They sit at the terminal, dreaming up situations randomly visiting all the features of the system to ensure they get broad coverage of the system.C. They work out what business processes are supported by the system,...
Concurrency Testing
In what scenario concurrency testing is done? Give real time scenario for the same.
Application Re-Test
In an application currently in production, one module of code is being modified. Is it necessary to re-test the whole application or is it enough to just test functionality associated with that module?
Non Understandable Requirement
A requirement is non understandable and is given for testing / to write Test Case. How you will pass this situation?
Role of Configuration Controller
What are the roles of CC (Configuration Controller) in project?
Regression Statements
Which of the following statements about Regression statements are true?1. Regression testing must consist of a fixed set of tests to create a base line2. Regression tests should be used to detect defects in new feature3. Regression testing can be run on every build4. Regression testing should be targeted areas of high risk and known code change5. Regression testing when automated, is highly effective...
Rejecting the Build
When the build comes to the QA team, what are the parameters to be taken for consideration to reject the build upfront without committing for testing ?
Quantitative Metrics
What are the Quantitative Metrics collected in testing projects?
Importance of Earthing
What is the importance of Electrical Earthing System. In todays scenario where in every step of life very sensitive electronics devices are used. What exactly will happen if there is no proper earthing.
Security Scenario
While running an Security application, user refreshed the page. the page shows session expired and shows links for login. Is the application is secure or not? Elobrate.
Final Release Security Issues
How will you find security issues present in the final release of the application. What are the checklist for Security Testing?
Functional and Usability Defects
What is meant by functional defects and usability defects in general? Give example.
Enterprise Edition of QC
Which extra module comes along with the Enterprise Edition of QC?
Mis-Communication in Bug
What will you (Tester) do if there is miscommunication in bugs, Every cycle is Ignored from developer side and Re-Opened from tester Side?
Missed Bugs
If tester is asked to test a Build within short period, After Testing, How will you (Tester) react if the Developers says that you have missed the bugs?
Upgrade and New Versions
What are upgrade and new versions of project? what is the difference between them?
Benifits of Automation Frame work
Which among the following are benefits of Automation Frame work?a) Faster development of new scriptb) Limited maintenance c) Both of the aboved) None of the above
Severe Bug
What severe bug you raised while testing a web application which you are proud of?
State Based Testing
What is State Based Testing?
Bug Fixing Priority
Which of these is the most important one to fix first, and why? a. The word "BlackBerry" is misspelled on the startup screen of the application.b. The application always rejects a user's first attempt to launch the application; subsequent attempts are successful.c. The application crashes and brings down the database server when it tries to add a record that contains an uncommon string, "123abc456xyz789".
Isolate the Problem
The BlackBerry handheld has a basic calculator. With the software load you are testing, you find that you cannot enter the number "6". What steps would you take to further isolate the problem?
Incomplete Requirement
What would you do if the requirement is incomplete?
Co-existence Testing
What is co-existence testing? Why do we do it? What would be the passing criteria for a successful co-existence? Any sample application where you feel we require this kind of testing?
Risk Based Testing
How to calculate risk in testing?
Testing Cycle and Testing Process
Explain what is testing cycle and testing process and what are stages involved in each?
Web Services Testing
How will you perform Security Testing of the Web Services?
Test Data Setup
How do you set up test data?
Importance of Test Data
What is the importance of test data while testing the application?
Hypothesis Testing
Explain the reasons why you apply to "Hypothesis Testing"
HTML Injection
What is HTML injection and how it is related with security testing? How one tester can test for HTML injection?
Testing Life Cycle and Software Development Life Cycle
What is the difference between Testing Life Cycle and Software Development Life Cycle?
Risk Project
How do we measure the given project is risk based project?
Website Performance Manual Testing
How to Check the performance of the website during manual testing?
Testing Execution without Test Cases
Based on test scenarios is it possible to test execution without having test cases? Explain
Test Cases for Finding Square Root of a Number
Write test cases for a programme which finds square root of a number
At what level is UAT done?
Effort Varience in QA
What is Effort Varience in QA
Types of Reviews
What are the different types of reviews and explain?
WebService Testing
Explain What is WebService Testing? How it is done - manually (or) Automation?
Test Text Field
How many possibilities are there to test a text field? What are they?
Test cases for Mandatory Fields
A Page/Form has 4 Mandatory fields to be entered before you Submit.How many no. of test cases are required to verify this?And What are they?
Compatability testing
What are all the test cases you will execute for compatability testing with different browzers?
New Bug and Open Bug
What is the difference between New and Open bug? Who is responsible for changing the phase of bug from New to Open?
How to prepare test cases using a prototype and how it contributes to testing activity?
1. Have you prepared of test cases using a prototype within the context of a formal development. Describes an approach to building a prototype using an example2. Discusses how a prototype contributes to the testing activity as part of a lifecycle based on the use of formal methods
Test Case using manual Parametrization
Give an example of Test Case using manual Parametrization. Explain one scenario
Role of configuration controller in testing
What is the role of configuration controller in testing? will configuration controller baselines the testcases?
Types of Testing Techniques
There are many types of testing like syntactic test,Semantic test,Equivalence partitioning, Boundary value analysis,Elementary comparison test, Decision flow making etc and so on. The main thing is what is the difference between Boundary value analysis and Equivalence partitioning
Test cases on bug tracking tool
What are the test cases on bug tracking tool?
Client server testing
How we can test client server applications
Security Tools
A Web online specialty company has a online website and they want to you test. What sort of security tools or security need is required for a Test Analyst when he does testing?
Software Security
1.What do you see as the most critical and current threats effecting Internet accessible websites?2. What online resources do you use to keep abreast of web security issues? Can you give an example of a recent web security vulnerability or threat?any one please urgent need short but direct answers please!!!!!!! thanks
How do you test when No time
There is a new build and you have not much time left behind to test(manual test), what will you do? (apart from prioritizing functionalities..... risk analysis, what other answers are valid approaches to this interview question?
Functional Testing Question
Hi,can any one answer me the following question? I have three text fields, one should accept a string as input, second text box should accept a float as input and the third text box is for output. the output should be an integer. what are the possible test cases we can write for the above functionality?My answer: 1.verify that the first field is accepting string.2.verify that the first field is not...
SDLC models testing
how we will test SDLC models in manual testing
QA Impact on Product Development Process
What is the most important impact QA can have on a product development process?
When and What to Test
How do you determine when and what to test?
Prioritize your Test Cases
Realizing that you cannot test everything, how do you prioritize your test cases?
Application crashes at 90,000th page
If an application is being scrolled at a high speed and then suddenly it is found that after 90,000th page the application gets crashed, then what could be the possible reasons(bugs) for the same?
Web Application Severe Bug
What severe bug you raised while testing a web application which you are proud of?
System Testing Test Case
How to write system testing test cases during Requirement (SRS) analysis in SDLC process
Bug status
What more status can you give to a test case other than pass, fail, not run & blocked?
missing important bug
If i miss a important bug and i realise it very late then what will i do?
Integration and system testing
Given modules like enter pin, menu, cash withdrawal, collect cash, receipt how will you do integration and system testing can anyone explain it to me
What various Measurement and Analysis activities can be performed in Product Development?
What various Measurement and Analysis activities can be performed in Product Development?in terms of what Matrices we can prepare for such development activities?
Integration testing
Who is resposible for integration testing?
Review Committee Members
If your company is going to conduct a review meeting, who should be on the review committee and why? Write any three attributes, which will impact the Testing Process? What activity is done in Acceptance Testing, which is not done in System testing? You are a tester for testing a large system. The system data model is very large with many attributes and there are a lot of inter-dependencies within...
Functional and Functionality testing
Can anybody describe the difference between the functional testing and functionality testing?
What is the most important step of the SDLC? Why?
security testing and smoke testing
what is security testing and smoke testing
Web-Based Testing
1)How you can calculate the session time?2)How to test the interface?3)Describe procedure to conduct load,stress,compatibility,security testing for web-based application?
Alpha and Beta testing.
can any one briefly explain what is the difference between alpha testing and beta testing in terms of product and application?
Claims processing
Can anyone who have real experience in claims processing.could me please explain me testing process in claims processing..thanks
Too many test cases to test
I have about 500 test cases to test and I have to test them on all kinds of browsers (IE, Mozilla,Netscape etc) Does anyone know of technique to reduce my work?
Driver and Stub
With what type of test is a driver and a stub most closely associated?
Domain Knowledge for Testers
How importance is domain knowledge for testers?
Boundary Value
What is the min amd Max length of password
Exploratory Testing
How to save the changes in Exploratory Testing? Is this possible?
Business Analyst, Developers and Testers
What do Business Analyst and Developers expect from the Testers?
Manual Testing MS-Word Document
How do you do Manual Testing in MS-Word Document
Report the Bug
How did you report the bug in your last job?
Test 5 Screens of an Application
What type of testing you can do? When we gave you 5 screens and, how can you test that application?
Testing a flash file and HTML file
Have you found any difference while testing a flash file and HTML file? If yes what are they?
Multi-tier enterprise software
what is: - Multi-tier enterprise software - how is it tested? Thanks
Changing Requirements
How will you test support based sites where in the requirements of the clients keeps changing on daily basis?
Testers and Quality Control
Does testing come under quality control or quality analysis?
Estimate a Bug
How do you estimate the Bug?
Bug tracking system
What is the role of bug tracking system ?
Defect Management/ Defect Resolution
" How did you manage Defect Resolution in your last Company".(Recently I was asked this Question in One interview.What could be good answer for this question?)
defect tracking system objectives
what is the prime objective of a defect tracking system?how is defect fix validated?