Turn OFF AD Blocker
Thanks for visiting GeekInterview.com
Ads help us bring you free content, so please turn off your ad blocker in order to continue.
Here's what you need to do to disable your ad blocking software / whitelist us –
For AdBlock Plus users
- On the top right of your browser will be the AdBlock Plus icon [Red button with ABP]. Click on it.
- A drop-down menu will appear with a check mark next to 'Enabled on this site'
- Click on the text button and wait for it to read 'Disabled on this site'
- Refresh the page to continue to GeekInterview.com
For AdBlock users
- On the top right of your browser will be the AdBlock Plus icon [Red button with a hand]. Click on it.
- A drop-down menu will appear
- Click the 'Don't run on pages on this domain' option
- On the settings popup will appear, move the slider next to Site to the right.
- Click Exclude
- Refresh the page to continue to GeekInterview.com
Using uBlock Origin
- On the top right of your browser will be the uBlock Origin icon [red shield button with ub]. Click on it.
- A drop-down menu will appear
- Click the big blue power button. This will turn it off.
- Refresh the page to continue to GeekInterview.com
For AdBlock Plus users
- On the top right of your browser will be the AdBlock Plus icon [Red button with ABP]. Click on it.
- A drop-down menu will appear
- Click 'Disabled everywhere' option
- Refresh the page to continue to GeekInterview.com
For Firefox 'Private Window' users
- A Private Window on Firefox runs its own ad-blocker.
- In this case, you will need to open GeekInterview.com on your standard Firefox window.
For uBlock Origin users
- On the top right of your browser will be the uBlock Origin icon [red shield button with ub]. Click on it.
- A drop-down menu will appear
- Click the big blue power button. This will turn it off.
- Refresh the page to continue to GeekInterview.com
For AdBlock Plus users
- On the bottom right of your browser will be the AdBlock Plus icon [Red button with ABP]. Click on it.
- A fly-out menu will appear
- Click the ‘Disable on GeekInterview.com’ option
- Refresh the page to continue to GeekInterview.com
- Go to the Settings app on the main screen
- Click on the Safari button
- From Menu click Content Blockers
- You will see your blocker enabled. Slide button to the left to disable.
- Return to your Safari browser and refresh the page or click Refresh, to access GeekInterview.com
Once you have turned off your ad blocker, please click on Refresh button to reload the page.
Thank you for your support