Answered Questions

  • Regression Statements

    Which of the following statements about Regression statements are true?1. Regression testing must consist of a fixed set of tests to create a base line2. Regression tests should be used to detect defects in new feature3. Regression testing can be run on every build4. Regression testing should be targeted areas of high risk and known code change5. Regression testing when automated, is highly effective...

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 5th, 2009

    I believe the following statements are true about regression testing.

    3. Regression testing can be run on every build
    4. Regression testing should be targeted areas of high risk and known code change
    5. Regression testing when automated, is highly effective in preventing defects. 

  • Best to solve defects - requirements, plan, design, code / testing phase?

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    Answered by: Satya Prakash

    • Oct 4th, 2005

    In any phase, the sooner we see a defect, the less is the cost spent on rectifying the defect. It becomes a costlier affair in later stages. The best phase is Requirements phase. When the defect is found in later phases, it costs more for its correction.


    • Feb 6th, 2011

    As we are aware, in SDLC later the defects identified, costlier is the Project Delieverable.  Earlier the defect identified & resolved, cheaper is the costing. So, as per the provided option, Best time to resolve the defects is during the Requirement Phase.