Answered Questions

  • What is the purpose of loading WinRunner Add-Ins?

    Add-Ins are used in WinRunner to load functions specific to the particular add-in to the memory. While creating a script only those functions in the addin selected will be listed in the function generator and while executing the script only those functions in the loaded add-in will be executed else WinRunner will give an error message saying it does not recognize the function.


    • Sep 11th, 2007

    In order to recognize the object properties to platform which it depends the WinRunner Add-Ins were used..For example when the application runs only on VB then VB Add-Ins would be selected otherwise it will display error message as it does not recognize the object...

  • How you integrated your automated scripts from TestDirector?

    When you work with WinRunner, you can choose to save your tests directly to your TestDirector database or while creating a test case in the TestDirector we can specify whether the script in automated or manual. And if it is automated script then TestDirector will build a skeleton for the script that can be later modified into one which could be used to test the AUT.


    • Jun 7th, 2006

     We can integrate the win runner scripts to the test director my using Tools menu>connect test director

  • How do you analyze results and report the defects?

    Following each test run, WinRunner displays the results in a report. The report details all the major events that occurred during the run, such as checkpoints, error messages, system messages, or user messages. If mismatches are detected at checkpoints during the test run, you can view the expected results and the actual results from the Test Results window. If a test run fails due to a defect...


    • Jun 19th, 2007

    The test result contains information about the steps which are pass and failed due to defect in the AUT. If there is any mismatch in the checkpoints it is also reported as fail in the result. Based on this we can report the defects to QA manager through mail or report the defects in Quality Center.


    • Jun 7th, 2006

     By examining the results we send the reports

  • How do you run your test scripts?

    We run tests in Verify mode to test your application. Each time WinRunner encounters a checkpoint in the test script, it compares the current data of the application being tested to the expected data captured earlier. If any mismatches are found, WinRunner captures them as actual results.


    • Sep 23rd, 2005

    If u want to run the script in winrunner,that time we will use run option verify mode is the default running compares the expected result toactual result.if any mismatchis there .it display fail result in red color&both are same it display the pass result in green color.

  • Have you performed debugging of the scripts?

    Yes, I have performed debugging of scripts. We can debug the script by executing the script in the debug mode. We can also debug script using the Step, Step Into, Step out functionalities provided by the WinRunner.


    • Dec 1st, 2005

    We can "Add watch" and see values of variable at different points by putting breakpoints. We use Step run to see result after each line of the script.

  • How does WinRunner evaluates test results?

    Following each test run, WinRunner displays the results in a report. The report details all the major events that occurred during the run, such as checkpoints, error messages, system messages, or user messages. If mismatches are detected at checkpoints during the test run, you can view the expected results and the actual results from the Test Results window.


    • Jun 19th, 2007

    Winrunner doesnt evaluate results actually. It displays the system error messages, user messages and the test pass or fail criteria and the information about whether the checkpoint comparison passes or fails

  • Have you created test scripts and what is contained in the test scripts?

    Yes I have created test scripts. It contains the statement in Mercury Interactive’s Test Script Language (TSL). These statements appear as a test script in a test window. You can then enhance your recorded test script, either by typing in additional TSL functions and programming elements or by using WinRunner’s visual programming tool, the Function Generator.


    • Oct 22nd, 2007

    Yes. The test script is written in TSL (test script language) and it contains all the information that we have recorded using the winrunner tool. Information = what all are the objects that are been recorded, what all the actions performed by the winrunner etc.

  • How does WinRunner recognize objects on the application?

    WinRunner uses the GUI Map file to recognize objects on the application. When WinRunner runs a test, it uses the GUI map to locate objects. It reads an object’s description in the GUI map and then looks for an object with the same properties in the application being tested.

  • What is contained in the GUI map?

    WinRunner stores information it learns about a window or object in a GUI Map. When WinRunner runs a test, it uses the GUI map to locate objects. It reads an object’s description in the GUI map and then looks for an object with the same properties in the application being tested. Each of these objects in the GUI Map file will be having a logical name and a physical description. There...


    • Nov 14th, 2007

    The GUI map holds the information about the properties of the object such as name,value,color gives you the detail description abt the properties of the object

    Ramya aita

    • Jul 16th, 2007

    In the GUI map the information which is captured from the application is stored in the file called GUI map file.