What is access network and core network?wat is frequency division Multiplexing ?where it is used?

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  • Apr 28th, 2006

                The part of the carrier network that touches the customer?s premises. The Access Network is also referred to as the local drop, local loop, or last mile,or In telecommunications, an access network is a network that connects subscribers to telecommunication service providers over public ground. It can be considered the route between the subscriber's home, and the ISP itself.

             The switching part of the UMTS network. It provides call control and performs mobility and high-level security functions such as location updating and authentication. Core network includes a radio access network, terminals and applications.

160Gbit/s-Frequency of Division Multiplexing

division multiplexing is used
:The Fourier transform data communication system is a realization of frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) in which discrete Fourier transforms are computed as part of the modulation and demodulation processes. In addition to eliminating the bunks of subcarrier oscillators and coherent demodulators usually required in FDM systems, a completely digital implementation can be built around a special-purpose computer performing the fast Fourier transform. In this paper, the system is described and the effects of linear channel distortion are investigated. Signal design criteria and equalization algorithms are derived and explained. A differential phase modulation scheme is presented that obviates any equalization.

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