Answered Questions

  • Infosys Puzzles 2005

    Submitted by AkshayINFOSYS Puzzles________________________________________1. Three neighbors are there. 1st one lends 2nd and 3rd that many no. of tractors that then already each had. After few months, 2nd lends to 1st and 3rd that many tractors  then they had. After a few months 3rd lends to 1st and 2nd that many tractors then they had. Now each of them got 24. Find how many they had initially?Ans:...


    • Apr 7th, 2007

    I need the answer to this question, thanks in advance.6. Ramesh sit around a round table with some other men. He has one rupee more than his right person and this person in turn has 1 rupee more than ...


    • Apr 7th, 2007

    Tell me the answer to this question, thanks in advance.27) Ramesh sit around a round table with some other men. He has one rupee more than hisright person and this person in turn has 1 rupee more than...