Answered Questions

  • Prevent Defects

    How will you prevent defects from a tester point of view?

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    • Member Since Apr-2010 | Apr 20th, 2010

    Defect prevented at the early stage of the lifecycle saves lot of money and effort to the company. There are different ways of preventing defects. Some examples are as follows:
    a. Use previously logged defects and analyze the pattern incase its a existing application / system
    b. Review and inspections of the analysis, design and coding artifacts to make sure they adhere to proper guidelines
    c. Review of test cases written by testing team from development team and Business users / analysts to avoid any gap
    d. Have testing from development team of the integrated application before delivering it to the testing team.

    We have used all these and have found them to be effective in reducing no. of defects.


    • Nov 25th, 2010

    Testers should be involved in discussions with business analysts and Development team in the design phase to have clear understanding of the requirements.Prepared test cases should be reviewed with Bu...

  • Non Understandable Requirement

    A requirement is non understandable and is given for testing / to write Test Case. How you will pass this situation?


    • Nov 25th, 2010

    To start with i will check if this requirement is an extension of the existing application or a total new functionality.If it is an existing one then will try to corelate the requirement with the exis...

  • Risk Project

    How do we measure the given project is risk based project?


    • Nov 25th, 2010

    We can consider the project is a risk based project based on the following factors. If the Design Documents are not prepared in time.If there is a continuous change in the Requirements.If the Requirements to be tested are huge with less resources and time available.


    • Jun 3rd, 2009

    Risk can be found based on many factors, some of the common factors are1. Amount of testing work to be done X time remaining2. No.of. important open bugs3. Areas untested X time remaining (change in r...