Answered Questions

  • Read a Switch

    You are given only the IP address of the switch but not the port number. How will you read that switch?


    • Aug 4th, 2010

    If the switch has an Ip address, you telnet to the switch and provided that there is no password set either at virtual terminals or to enter the privileged mode, you can enter privileged mode and write sh run and read the running config.


    • Aug 4th, 2010

    A switch can have an Ip address for telnetting purpose.So, if you telnet to the switch, and if you have no password on Telnet you can access the switch (provided that there is no privileged mode password set) and then 'Show Run' , you can read the running configuration.

  • Wildcard Mask

    What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask?


    • Nov 20th, 2012

    Wildcard mask is contrast to the subnet mask .
    for ex . take an class c ip add . for this subnet mask will be !
    wildcard mask is just opposite to subnet mask ,
    wildcard mask for this ip address is


    • Aug 4th, 2010

    When you want to match certain bits of the IP address and ignore some bits, then you mask the IP address with 0 in bits you want to match and 1 where you want to ignore. The resulting mask is the wild...