Answered Questions

  • Test JCL without submitting it.

    How can I test JCL without submitting it? Like scanning it b4 submitting.

  • Fload, Mload and error tables

    How many error tables are there in fload and what are their significance/use?Can we see the data of error tables?How many error tables are their in mload and what is there use?When mload job fails, can we access mload tables? If yes then how?

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    • Member Since Feb-2008 | Feb 15th, 2008

    Fload uses 2 error tables

    Error table 1: where format of data is not correct.

    Error table 2: violations of UPI

    Mload also uses 2 error tables (ET and UV), 1 work table and 1 log table

    1. ET TABLE - Data error

    MultiLoad uses the ET table, also called the Acquisition Phase error table, to store data errors found during the acquisition phase of a MultiLoad import task.

    2. UV TABLE - UPI violations

    MultiLoad uses the UV table, also called the Application Phase error table, to store data errors found during the application phase of a MultiLoad import or delete task

    3. WORK TABLE - WT

    Mload loads the selected records in the work table

    4. LOG TABLE

    A log table maintains record of all checkpoints related to the load job, it is essential/madatory to specify a log table in mload job. This table will be useful in case you have a job abort or restart due to any reason.



    • Jun 9th, 2017

    There are 2 error tables in Fastload, Error table 1 significance is to capture datawhich do not match the speciied datatype, and Error table 2 is for the Uniqueness constraint.. In case you have UPI d...


    • Oct 10th, 2014

    In fload and multi load we have 2 error tables for a target table, if script run successfully with return code 0 we can see the error tables data(no errors tables will dropped).
    tables are locked if script fails we can't see them its under loading....

  • what is explain in teradata?

    what is explain and how does it work?

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    • Member Since Jan-2010 | Apr 15th, 2011

    The EXPLAIN modifier preceding an SQL statement generates an
    English translation of the optimizer’s plan. It is fully parsed and
    optimized, but not executed.
    EXPLAIN returns:
    Text showing how a statement will be processed (a plan).
    An estimate of how many rows will be involved.
    A relative cost of the request (in units of time).
    This information is useful for:
    • Predicting row counts.
    • Predicting performance.
    • Testing queries before production.
    • Analyzing various approaches to a problem.
    EXPLAIN may also be accessed using Teradata Visual Explain.


    • Jun 22nd, 2011

    1. English version on optimizer plan2. to identify the objects used and kind of locks applied on those objects3. to identify the number of amp operation eg. single ot group amp4. to identify the data ...

  • What is SPUFI?

    SPUFI stands for SQL processing using file input. It is the DB2 interactive menu-driven tool used by developers to create database objects.

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    Answered by: burelamanohar

    • Feb 6th, 2007

    SPUFI : SQL Processing Using File Input, it supports the on-line execution of SQL statements from a TSO terminal

    vineeta bachani

    • Oct 17th, 2019

    In SPUFI: we can store and write multiple queries but will execute only one at a time. here we mention user-defined input and output datasets
    IN QMF: every time we open it we have to write the SQL query again. we dont give input and output datasets