What is the batch job and online job?
Explain the difference between batch and online job
CICS S322 abend
Why would a CICS region abend on a S322. It happened twice in 2 days in different CICS subsystems. Any view out there
SOC7 Abend
How can u resolve soc7 abend? how do you know the cause for soc7 abend? how do you findout. where soc7 abend occurs?
CICS Debugging
Is it possible to debug the CICS program without debugger? I know CEDF can execute CICS transactions but I am looking is there anything else that can use to debug the CICS program without debugger?
What is a READQ TS?
Explain about the real time usage and situation where it helps
How to solve soc 7 error.?
non numeric data transfer to numeric causes soc 7.but i want with reference to .....XREF,LINE number,..
Deleting records with FILE AID or CECI
I want to delete a record from a file in CICS while the region is still up and running. Can you do it with FILE AID and/or CECI?
How to validate data in database from cics program
i will have user name and password values in database. i create a map from cics. and i will enter user name and
password then validation should be done in COBOL program. what is COBOL logic to validate database?
CICS Date Validation
I get " date of birth " details through CICS Maps from the user and i store the DD, MM , YYYY separately in different variables. I need to check whether the date entered is correct or not.. ie. Feb should've 28 days in ordinary year and 29 during leap yr.. 31 days fr jan, mar, etc and 30 days fr d other months so on.. can any1 provide a sample code for this.. or help me how to do it easily.. i need...
Dynamic cursor positioning
In dynamic cursor positioning, what happens if i move +1 to field+l instead of -1 to field+l?????
Protected Fields
Can we update the Protected field in the MAP? If Yes, How?
CICS Transaction Commands
what are the transaction commands in cics? Explain with an example and sample code ?
Changing the Maps
How would you make the changes to maps real time ? How to use this modified map in online?
CICS Interview Questions