Answered Questions

  • Missed Bugs

    If tester is asked to test a Build within short period, After Testing, How will you (Tester) react if the Developers says that you have missed the bugs?

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    • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 17th, 2009

    1) I would ask the developer to identify precisely what bugs I missed.
    2) I would the review the list of bugs in the build notes and compare this with the suite of test cases that I had run during the test cycle. 
    3) If this is not the release build, then I would add test cases for the missed bugs in the suite of test cases for the next test iteration
    4) If this is the release candidate, then I would immediately raise this issue with management and let them decide how to proceed based on the bugs' priority and severity levels.


    • Sep 23rd, 2009

    Testers need to finalize and communicate the scope of testing as well as depth of testing  clearly before testing the build under pressure. This should be communicated both to developers as well ...