What is Per action and Shared recording?

Give advantages and disadvantages of Per action and Shared ?

Editorial / Best Answer

Answered by: srinivas potnuru

  • Jun 9th, 2006


Both Per action and shared has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Per Action:

  When we  Record by setting the repository to Per action each and every action will have its own repository. So each action will be independent with the other action w.r.t the Object Repository.


When we record by setting the Object Repository to shared mode, all the actions in that particular Test can use the same Shared Object Repository . i.e there will be only one repository which contains all the objects that are required across all the actions.

I am giving this as per my Knowledge there may be some more as well...

PerActionThe actions can be reused and as the repositories are individual there wont be any problem with the Objects.If there are few objects that are being used in more than one action then there will be a duplicate occurence of the object in the object Repository as the object repositories are different for different actions
SharedThere will be only one Object Repository and can be maintained easily

Even if there is a need of using same object in more than one action, then there will be only one occurrence of the Object in the Object Repository.As the Object Repository is shared.


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srinivas potnuru

  • Jun 9th, 2006


Both Per action and shared has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Per Action:

  When we  Record by setting the repository to Per action each and every action will have its own repository. So each action will be independent with the other action w.r.t the Object Repository.


When we record by setting the Object Repository to shared mode, all the actions in that particular Test can use the same Shared Object Repository . i.e there will be only one repository which contains all the objects that are required across all the actions.

I am giving this as per my Knowledge there may be some more as well...

PerActionThe actions can be reused and as the repositories are individual there wont be any problem with the Objects.If there are few objects that are being used in more than one action then there will be a duplicate occurence of the object in the object Repository as the object repositories are different for different actions
SharedThere will be only one Object Repository and can be maintained easily

Even if there is a need of using same object in more than one action, then there will be only one occurrence of the Object in the Object Repository.As the Object Repository is shared.


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