Submitted Questions

  • DataStage Technical Questions

    1. Is the Hash file is active or passive? If we take as source ?2. can u take seq file as look up?3. In hash file dynamic 30, there r two types:1)genaric2)specific what is the meaning?4. how to connect MERGE STAGE while source as two tables?5. what is the purpose of MERGE?6. how can DS job scheduled in Unix?7. how do u know how many rows rejected?8. use of universe stage?9. what is SEQ file buffer?10. diff...


    • Jun 3rd, 2015

    Scheduling the datastage jobs in unix using corntab utility (or) uc4


    • Jun 3rd, 2015

    Merge stage combine two tables based on key column and its implemented two joins 1.innerjoin,2.leftouter join. merge stage can handle large volume of data and it need less memory, the data must be partitioned and sorted also it capture the rejected data from updated source.