Answered Questions

  • what is the different between CGS system and MKS system?


    • May 2nd, 2020

    The MKS system is more popular than the CGS system. In measuring force alone the MKS system using newtons as the unit is widely accepted worldwide. Its counterpart in the CGS system is the dyne is sel...

    Aditya more

    • Oct 10th, 2019

    In cgs system is measured in Centimeter ,Gram,Second
    In mks system is measured in Meter ,Kilogram ,Second

  • What is the power ratio between power in Star and Delta circuit?

    Star Read Best Answer

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    • Member Since Jul-2006 | Jul 13th, 2006

    The power ratio between Star to Delta is 1:3



    Let?s suppose Vs be the supply voltage per phase.

    So the line voltage of the supply will be ?3Vs.

    Now assume any type of load; for simplicity I?m assuming it a only resistive load.

    And let it be ?R? per phase.


    For Delta connected load:


    Calculation for per phase power; PD= I2R


    Where I ? load current (per phase)


    I = ?3Vs/R       {as line voltage of the supply is directly applied to the phase of the delta load}


                Pd = (?3Vs/R )2R = 3Vs2/R  watts per phase.

    For 3 phases:

                P3D = 3Pd = 3*3Vs2/R = 9Vs2/R watts.


    Now for Star connected load:


    PS = I2R = (Vs/R)2R = Vs2/R watts

    For 3 phases: P3S = 3PS = 3 Vs2/R watts



    P3S / P3D  =  3Vs2/R / 9Vs2/R = 1/3

    It may be better concluded by drowing figures. If any variations, can connect to me through  


    • Feb 3rd, 2018

    Well first you assumed voltage per phase as Vs and Line voltage as sqrt(3) x Vs: Which is for star connection. Then, you assumed the same thing for Delta Connection(where line and phase voltages are t...

    Anbumozhi R

    • Dec 3rd, 2017

    Power is Same. Whether it is star to Delta conversion or Delta to star conversion. Power is 1:1