Answered Questions

  • what is the use of load testing ?

    what is defered graphs ? What are the different components in loadrunner?


    • Apr 13th, 2011

    I did a google search and was not able to find any info on "deferred graph." AFAIK, the standard terminology for the graphs that give  information about CPU, throughput, Error rates, etc, are called "correlation graphs", aka "reports graphs"

    Illur Iqbal

    • Oct 4th, 2005

    Load testing is used to find the the minimum and maximum load where the application can handle. It ensures the usage of the fixed number of users using the application frequently or concurrently this ...

  • what the vuser script contain.

    The vuser script include the function that measure and record the performance of the server during the scenario.

    sarath chandra

    • Feb 22nd, 2006

    While recording the application, a script will be generated in the virtual user genetator. According to the script generated, the created virtual users will perform the operations.