Answered Questions

  • Session Management

    what is the session management in Version 6.1 and if we use cookies and ssl what are the advantages and disadvantages?


    • Nov 22nd, 2012

    The ideal timeout of the logged in USER session in the application.


    • Nov 5th, 2012

    Session Management: We could decide the idle time, after what time the session could expire of the user ..etc.The cookies store the user credentials,so that user doesnt need to reenter credentials aga...

  • 403, 404, 500 error trouble shooting

    how you are going to troubleshoot if you are getting 403,404,500 error ? explain ?


    • Nov 22nd, 2012

    403 an 404 is http error.Means Webserver error.U should find the error in error.log and access.log file of the http server logs.500 error is the internal server error .It is the Websphere application ...


    • Sep 24th, 2012

    500- means internal server error (code error in .er file or connection error) mostlly you find this in webserver logs (access logs or error logs) or in jvm logs or http-plugin.
    404- means file not found here generate and propagate plugin-cfg.xml file once

  • how to generate a thread dump ?


    • Dec 7th, 2012

    Generating Thread Dump: Two ways 1) Automatic: In real scenario is to generate thread dump, if the server is hung due to any of cause. We wont go for generate thread dump, the server it self generate...


    • Sep 24th, 2012

    There is two ways to generate thread dumps in linux 1. kill -3 pid(process id of jvm) ,but the thing is you will get both heap dumps and thread dumps as one file. If you want to do individually then ...