Answered Questions

  • What is the difference between physical address and logical address?

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    Answered by: kalyan raghavan

    • Jan 23rd, 2006

    A Physical address is a 48-bit flat address burned into the ROM of the NIC card which is a Layer1 device of the OSI model. This iis divided into 24-bit vendor code and 24-bit serial address. This is unique for each system and cannot be changed.

    A Logical address is a 32- bit address assigned to each system in a network. This works in Layer-3 of OSI Model. This would be generally the IP address.

    Manu Ratheesh

    • Aug 26th, 2017

    Physical Address: It is the address of a node defined by its LAN or WAN. It is included in the frame used by Data Link Layer. It is the lowest level address. The size and the format of these addresses...

    paras gautam

    • Aug 19th, 2017

    A logical address is a 32 bit address which is also called ip address and it is used to uniquely identify a device on a network where physical address is also Media Access Control address it is 48 bit address every device in a network has its own unique MAC address

  • What is the difference between collision domain and broadcast domain?


    • Feb 16th, 2007

    Broadcast domain is the logical address scheme in which a user can acess any other networking address without any routing devicebut in collision domain that is the combination of the single segment and multiple segments through repeter

  • What is difference between switch & hub?


    • Jul 15th, 2016

    Hub is a broadcasting device which may increase collision domain but switch is based on filter and forwarding and reduce collision domain.

    Amar OMdur

    • Jul 14th, 2016

    Hub is layer 1 device, work in physical layer and the communication between device are half duplex, all the device exist in on collision domain, switch is L2 device and every port a collision domain has concept of Mac address table, (cash)