Answered Questions

  • When do you use WHERE clause and when do you use HAVING clause?

    HAVING clause is used when you want to specify a condition for a group function and it is written after GROUP BY clause. The WHERE clause is used when you want to specify a condition for columns, single row functions except group functions and it is written before GROUP BY clause if it is used.


    • Aug 25th, 2013

    WHERE clause can contains condition that must be met and should directly follow the from clause. And HAVING clause can precede GROUP BY clause,but it is more logical to declared in after GROUP BY clau...

  • What is difference between Rename and Alias?

    Rename is a permanent name given to a table or column whereas Alias is a temporary name given to a table or column which do not exist once the SQL statement is executed.


    • Jan 7th, 2018

    Rename: Renaming to a object.

    Allows: Referring to a object to avoid the ambiguity on entity or attribute.


    • Dec 15th, 2017

    Rename is used to change the name of the table permanently.
    Alias is the alternate name of the table