Answered Questions

  • CLR

    What does CLR do after the IL is generated and machinelanguage is generated .Will it look for main method ?


    • Dec 23rd, 2009

    Once IL and Machine Language is generated, by using CLR, JIT(just in time) compiles the IL files, where it converts the code to Operating System understandable.CLR translates this MSIL code ...

  • GC and Performance

    If there are 5 different .net applications running on a single machine,When the Garbage Collector wakes up how does it release the unused resources1)Will there be 5 threads of GC running(1 for each application)?2)Will there be just 1 thread of GC servicing all the 5 applications?3)Irrespective of the above scenarios,wil there be performance issues with the 5 applications because of the GC

    Aldo John

    • Sep 5th, 2008

    GC is a thread running in the .net CLR. There is only one thread for the entire runtime which manages any number of applications running....GC.Collect() is just a request to the runtime to initiate a collection....