Answered Questions

  • difference between Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x

    What is the difference between Struts 1.x and Struts 2.x


    • Sep 29th, 2011

    struts1:: It uses abstract classes rather than interfaces. struts2:: It provides a base ActionSupport class that implements commonly used interfaces like ( Action, ServletResponseAware, ServletReques...


    • Jul 26th, 2011

    1. Struts 2 is Action based framework, where as in struts 1.2 its control based.
    2. There is ActionForm concept in struts 2.0
    3. In struts 2 configuration file renamed to struts.xml from struts-config.xml
    4. introduced interceptors instead of request processor.
    5. Easy to configure.