Answered Questions

  • Memory requirement of graph

    How can I calculate the total memory requirement of a graph?


    • Jul 10th, 2008

    When we did some benchmarking we found that it was closer to ~8MB + MAX_CORE (if any) per component and add in the file sizes.Basically, I agree with the existing answer.Just remember, don't use &...

  • Cummulative summary in AB Initio

    How can I achieve cummulative sumary in AB Initio other than using SCAN component. Is there any inbuilt function available for that?


    • Feb 9th, 2016

    I guess below code can help for 3rd max else 1st max for each group key. Input_file --> sort (descending) --> Rollup --> output type temporary_type=record decimal("") rank ; decimal("") sal ...


    • Jan 22nd, 2016

    @Dinesh: but it is not taking care of the requirement, i.e. if there is no 3rd record, it should display the first highest sal. In the solution you mentioned it will display the second highest sal.