Answered Questions

  • Routing Transformation

    Hi, I am new to Informatica just trying to do some mappings. I tried to do SCD type 1. after loading source tables I used expression transformation to do some formatting and then I used Router Transformation. But when I tried to post all fields from expression to router they are by default becoming only input variables . I am unable to link these variables to an Update Strategy. What to do now???...


    • Jun 18th, 2009

    All the Above answers are wright, just create port in group and name it as update if you want to update, by default a port is created, now just map into corresponding router trans from update transThanksBabu Shiv

  • Query to find the list of employees age > 30

    Write a query to find the list of employees whos age is greater than 30 or so given a date of birth column

    Shailesh Bhilare

    • Dec 6th, 2021

    There is a table employee (empid,empname,DOB). Get the emp count against the age bracket of less than or equal to 30 and above 30.

    Could you pls give the oracle syntax for tge above Query..?

    Piyush Kumar

    • May 4th, 2019

    Curdate() will give you the current date. here we are subtracting from dob to current date(year).


  • Could anyone please tell me what are the steps required for type2 dimension/version data mapping. how can we implement it


    • May 24th, 2010

    The Type 2 Dimension Data mapping inserts both new and changed dimensions into the target. Changes are tracked in the target table by versioning the primary key and creating a version number for each ...


    • Apr 25th, 2006

    1. Determine if the incoming row is 1) a new record 2) an updated record or 3) a record that already exists in the table using two lookup transformations. Split the mapping into 3 seperate flows using...