Regarding Sanity and smoke testing...

What is exit and entry criteria for smoke testing and sanity testing?

Questions by Satyappani

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Oct 15th, 2013

Both Smoke and Sanity are performed by tester.
At First Smoke testing is performed in which testing of main application is done, so as to see application is working fine and there is no crash in which may stop testing.
After Smoke Sanity is performed, in which main functionality is tested properly. This is also known as shallow testing.

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  • Oct 25th, 2013

Smoke testing is done to verify the stability of the build
Sanity testing is subset of Regression testing

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  • Dec 5th, 2013

There is no entry or exit criteria for smoke and sanity Testing.
Smoke testing is first testing type done by tester after the build is complete and to check if the build is ready for further testing.

Sanity testing is done after the bug is fixed and to check if the build is ready for further testing.

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  • Jan 31st, 2014

Smoke vs sanity testing:
Both smoke and sanity testing are used to ensure a build is stable to handle further testing. But, smoke test is performed on fresh/new build to entire system to ensure it is stable enough to handle further testing. Whereas sanity testing is performed on bug fix builds.

Smoke test suit (set of test cases) includes test cases pertaining to the main functions an application. Let say application under test (AUT) is an event registration portal. Smoke test suite will include test cases on home page being displayed after entering the portal web address in browser and hitting [enter] key, submit button functionality etc.

Sanity testing generally is not scripted but for complex applications, sanity test suit may be created. The question appears to be poorly framed but it is not so! If I were to respond to the interviewer then I would explain how smoke testing differs from sanity with specific examples. Entry criteria will be the test suit and exit criteria will be 100% pass of entire test suite (smoke or sanity).

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