In which of the system, decimal number 384 is equal to 1234?

This question is related to TCS Interview

Questions by neevarpg   answers by neevarpg

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers

Mathematically, the question asks(384)base10 is equivalent to (1234)baseXwhere X is to be found.We know that to convert a binary number to its decimal equivalent, say (110)base2, we perform the following:(0*2^0)+(1*2^1)+(1*2^2) = 0+2+4 = 6.Doing the same thing with baseX in our question, we get the following equation:(X^3) + 2(X^2) + 3(X^1) + 4 = 384.By hit and trial, we find that the digit there isnt a base possible for the given condition to be true.(Try 6 and 7 to see what I mean). Keep in mind that a base cant be a fraction.Hope that you get it.

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