What will be the value of v2 for the first time, if the order of ports evaluation is v2 and v1

I have two variable ports v1 and v2; v2 is calculated based on v1. What will be the value of v2 for the first time, if the order of ports evaluation is v2 and v1

Questions by kirangvr   answers by kirangvr

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Feb 5th, 2007

The PowerCenter Server does not set the initial value for variables to NULL. Instead, the PowerCenter Server uses the following guidelines to set initial values for variables: Zero for numeric ports Empty strings for string ports 01/01/1753 for Date/Time ports with PMServer 4.0 date handling compatibility disabled 01/01/0001 for Date/Time ports with PMServer 4.0 date handling compatibility enabled

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The PowerCenter Server does not set the initial value for variables to NULL. Instead, the PowerCenter Server uses the following guidelines to set initial values for variables: Zero for numeric ports Empty strings for string ports 01/01/1753 for Date/Time ports with PMServer 4.0 date handling compatibility disabled 01/01/0001 for Date/Time ports with PMServer 4.0 date handling compatibility enabled

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