What is the function of Redo Log ?

The Primary function of the redo log is to record all changes made to data.

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  • Feb 27th, 2006

redo log is a part of physical structure of oracle. its basic function is to record all the changesmade to daatabase information. wheneveer an abnormal shutdown take place preventing system to update the database, changes can be obtained from redolog and hence the changes are not lost.

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Oracle maintains logs of all transactions against the databse. These transactions are recorded in files called Online Redo log files.These logs are used to recover the database's transaction in their proper order in the evnt of database crash. The redo log information is stored in Redo log file which is external to the datafilesEach database have two or more online redo log files. oracle writes tedo log file in cyclic order after the first log is filled , it writes to the second log files, until that one is filled. whn all of the online redo log file have been filled it move to the first online redo log file and start overwriting the transaction recordNote : if the Databse is in ARCHIVE log mode then database will make the copy of the redo log file before overwriting the contents of the log file..These ARCHIEVED redo log file can then be used to recover any part of the database to any point of time.

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