Hi!! Can anyone please tell me "The procedure followed in load runner.How should I start using Load Runner"

Questions by chandnidua   answers by chandnidua

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Vijay K

  • Jul 2nd, 2006


Here is the common process in  Load Runner :

1. Plan the Load Test

2. Create Web Virual Users

3. Create Scenarios

4. Run Scenarios

5. Analyze the System Under Load.




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  • Aug 14th, 2006

To actually start load testing you first need the scenario.Scenario simply means the number of virtual users,no. of transactions,no. of iterations. Once all that is calculated...You have to first use a component in Load runner called Vugen(Virtual user generator) where you would need to record your script and add functions if needed...Once recording is done and saved,you use the second component of LR called Controller where you first add the recorded script and then go to run time settings..set your no. of iterations..think time etc...then add the no. of users ..if you want to use ramp up go to edit schedule and use thet and run the scenario...once you get the graphs,save it and analyze them...I hope I am correct...please correct me if i am wrong any where

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  • Aug 14th, 2006


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We may follow below life cycle to conduct the performance testing


2.Create the VuGen Script

3.Enhance the Script

4.Create the Controller Scenario

5.Running the Scenario & view the Online monitors

6.Anlyse the results

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