How do you Implement Class Library Object

Classical Object Oriented Concepts explain a class as a cookie cutter. A class allows you to create objects of the class. As a programmer you define a class with data fields, properties, methods and events. Then you can create objects based on that class that have state (fields, properties) and behavior (methods, events). A class can be considered as a specification of how the object of the class should look like and behave.

An object of the class is nothing other than a sequence of bytes at a specific memory location in the memory heap. Thus we can understand that an object is an instance of the class. We can see an illustration of a class.

Let's see an illustration of a class

Public Class Class1
Private VehicleType As String
Private VehicleModel As String
Private VehicleColor As String
Public Sub Accelerate()
' add code to Accelerate
End Sub
ReadOnly Property engineCapacity() As Decimal
Return engineCapacity
End Get
End Property
End Class

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