What is debit and credit from the customer point of view ?

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rama krishna dasari

  • May 20th, 2006

in customer point of view debit means the customer and credit menas the party who is selling for example if a good sold by a prty A to B B become debit and A become credit

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  • May 25th, 2006

From the customer point of view:DEBIT is the expenditure which he incurrs( purchase of a car, car account).CREDIT is the payment ,cash or bank account ( if payment paid thru cheque)

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  • Jun 21st, 2006


Simply says what you did in your books exactly reverse


in case of Cash transaction you paid an amount of Rs.1000/- to customer.

in your books entry is           customer a/c debit 1000

                                            cash a/c credit 1000

in Customer books entry is (reverse)    cash a/c debit     1000

                                                           vendor a/c credit  1000

non-cash iteams you have given goods on credit worth of Rs.1000/- to customer.

                                                        customer a/c debit    1000

                                                         sales a/c credit    1000

in Customer books entry is (reverse)    Purchase a/c debit     1000

                                                            Vendor a/c credit     1000

kapil kabra

  • Jul 1st, 2006

Here we can follow the basic rule of accounting Debit the receiver, Credit the Giver


  • May 8th, 2011

From the customer point of view, a debit is something he purchased or a service was rendered of which he owes money  and a credit is something he received, such as a paycheck , credit, or a bonus,

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