Explain Entry and Exit criteria for each of the following...Test planTest caseUnit testingIntegration testingSystem testing and Funtional testing

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  • Mar 31st, 2006

Entry CriteriaThe conditions that must exist before a unit of project work can commence. Exit CriteriaThe conditions that must exist before a unit of project work can be deemed complete.Entry Criteria for Unit testingThe criteria for entering the Unit testing phase are:The following documents have been completed, reviewed and approved:* Business Requirement Document complete* Program Required Documents complete* Preliminary Software Development Project Plan* Phase 1 Planning* Functional Specification* High-Level Design Specifications* Software Development Project Plan approved* Software Verification Plan approved* Software Configuration Management Plan* Quality Assurance Plan approvedExit Criteria for Unit testingThe Exit criteria for the Unit testing phase are:* Unit test has been passed * the module resides in a baseline directory* The project is code-complete. There are no missing features or media elements* All priority a bug have been fixed and closed* Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product.Note: Unit testing will be performed mostly by the Developer. Entry Criteria for Integration testingThe criteria for entering the Integration testing phase are:* The project is code-complete. There are no missing features or media elements* The product satisfies the performance and memory requirements specified by the Functional Spec* Software/Curriculum have run and passed a Sanity Test that has been provided by the QA group* All priority a bug have been fixed and closed* Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product.* Curriculum has done a content review of the lessonsExit Criteria for Integration testingThe Exit criteria for the Integration testing phase are:* The Integration engineer has tested for install ability. * All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.* Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product.* The Technical Lead has submitted all files for integration accompanied by Release Notes. Entry Criteria for System testingThe criteria for entering the System testing phase are: * QA has spot tested content, features, and functionality of the product and verified that it is feature-complete. * The user interface and the feature set are frozen. * The final CD-ROM layout has been determined. * The Technical Lead has submitted all files for integration accompanied by Release Notes. * The Integration engineer has tested for install ability. * All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.* Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product.Exit Criteria for System testingThe Exit criteria for the System testing phase are:* Final Publications Draft of product publications, including the Quick Start Guide, has been reviewed, tested in QA, and approved by the Core Team.* All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.* The software runs on all the product?s supported hardware and software configurations. * The product is compatible with third-party products as specified in the Functional Spec. Final Entry CriteriaThe criteria for entering the Final phase are:* The work has been approved and signed off by Product Marketing* Final Publications Draft of product publications, including the Quick Start Guide, has been reviewed, tested in QA, and approved by the Core Team.* All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.* The software runs on all the product?s supported hardware and software configurations. * The product is compatible with third-party products as specified in the Functional Spec.

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  • Jul 7th, 2006

A nice answer, just formatted it to make a better look:


- Amit.

Email: amit_027@rediffmail.com


Entry Criteria: The conditions that must exist before a unit of project work can commence.

Exit Criteria: The conditions that must exist before a unit of project work can be deemed complete.


Entry Criteria for Unit testing phase are:

The following documents have been completed, reviewed and approved:

1.       Business Requirement Document complete

2.       Program Required Documents complete

3.       Preliminary Software Development Project Plan

4.       Phase 1 Planning

5.       Functional Specification

6.       High-Level Design Specifications

7.       Software Development Project Plan approved

8.       Software Verification Plan approved

9.       Software Configuration Management Plan

10.   Quality Assurance Plan approved.


Exit criteria for the Unit testing phase are:

1.       Unit test has been passed

2.       The module resides in a baseline directory

3.       The project is code-complete. There are no missing features or media elements

4.       All priority a bug have been fixed and closed

5.       Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product. Note: Unit testing will be performed mostly by the Developer.


Entry Criteria for Integration testing phase are:

1.       The project is code-complete. There are no missing features or media elements

2.       The product satisfies the performance and memory requirements specified by the Functional Spec.

3.       Software/Curriculum have run and passed a Sanity Test that has been provided by the QA group.

4.       All priority a bug have been fixed and closed

5.       Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product.

6.       Curriculum has done a content review of the lessons.


Exit Criteria for Integration phase are:

1.       The Integration engineer has tested for install ability.

2.       All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.

3.       Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product.

4.       The Technical Lead has submitted all files for integration accompanied by Release Notes.


Entry Criteria for System testing phase are:

1.       QA has spot tested content, features, and functionality of the product and verified that it is feature-complete.

2.       The user interface and the feature set are frozen.

3.       The final CD-ROM layout has been determined.

4.       The Technical Lead has submitted all files for integration accompanied by Release Notes.

5.       The Integration engineer has tested for install ability.

6.       All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.

7.       Internal documentation has been updated to reflect the current state of the product. Exit Criteria for System testing


The Exit Criteria for the System testing phase are:

1.       Final Publications Draft of product publications, including the Quick Start Guide, has been reviewed, tested in QA, and approved by the Core Team.

2.       All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.

3.       The software runs on all the product?s supported hardware and software configurations.

4.       The product is compatible with third-party products as specified in the Functional Spec. Final Entry Criteria


The Entry Criteria for the Final phase are

1.       Quality Assurance Plan approved.

2.       The work has been approved and signed off by Product Marketing

3.       Final Publications Draft of product publications, including the Quick Start Guide, has been reviewed, tested in QA, and approved by the Core Team.

4.       All priority a bug have been fixed and closed.

5.       The software runs on all the product?s supported hardware and software configurations.

6.        The product is compatible with third-party products as specified in the Functional Spec.

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