What is heuristic checklist used in Unit Testing?

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Sreekanth Reddy Lingala

  • Jun 20th, 2006

The preferable check list is(I am using this).

1.Understand the need of module/function in relation to specs

2.Make sure about the type of values you are passing to the function as input.

3.Have a clear idea about the output that you are expecting from the function based on point 1(above).

4.Be specific about the test data you are passing to the function in terms of type(incase of positive testing).

5.Remember that you need to do both positive and negative testing.

6.Be Clear about type casting (if any).

7.Have a cristal clear idea about type of assertions (is used to test/compare the actual with expected).

8.Be clear about how the function is being called and is there any other function calls involved in the function you are testing.

9.Perform Regression testing for each new build and keep a log of modifications you are making to your Unit testproject(better if you use Visual source Safe).

10.Its always better to debug both positive and negative testing to see how the function is performing so that you can have a clear understandability about the function you are testing.

11.its always better to have a seperate project for unit testing by using just referencing the dll of the application.

I hope my answer will help you, if you find anything new and interesting feel free to share.

Good luck


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