There are 6 cities, of which each is connected to every other city. How many different routes can one trace from A to B, such that no city is touched more than once in any one route a) 48 b) 60 c) 65 d) 72

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers

vijay bhaskar

  • Mar 2nd, 2006

first draw the hexagon

Place any where a and b places

a-link-b=1 when link=0;

a-link-b=4 when link=1;

a-link-b=12 when link=2;

a-link-b=24 when link=3;

a-link-b=24 when link=4;

link is the no.of cities between a and b

So total ways from a to b are 65.

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  • Mar 9th, 2006

can any 1 give me the brief description about  how 2 resolve this query.

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Ways                                                              No. of Ways

A B                                                                        1

A _ B  The blank can be filled in 4 ways                        4

A _ _ B The first blank can be filled in 4 ways

        The second blank can be filled in 3 ways     4*3 = 12         

A _ _ _ B The first blank can be filled in 4 ways

        The second blank can be filled in 3 ways    

         The third blank can be filled in 2 ways      4*3*2=24

A _ _ _ _ B  The first blank can be filled in 4 ways

        The second blank can be filled in 3 ways    

         The third blank can be filled in 2 ways

       The fourth blank can be filled in 1 way   4*3*2*1=24

So total no. of ways = 1+4+12+24+24 = 65 ways to travel from A to B

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sriram krishnamoorthi

  • Mar 29th, 2006

somebody please give a better explanation

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C. Sivasankaran

  • May 18th, 2006

There are totally 6 cities and we have to go to City B from City A.  This can be achieved by the following ways.

1.  We can go directly from A to B without any city in between.  So there is only one Way.

2.  We can go through any one of the remaining 4 cities.  Say remaining four cities be C, D, E & F.  ie A-C-B or A-D-B or A-E-B or A-F-B.  Totally 4 ways ( 4P1 ways)

3.  We can go through any two of the remaining 4 cities.  Like A-C-D-B or A-D-C-B or A-C-E-B  and so on..  That 2 permutation out of 4 (4P2 ways).  Totally we will get 4 x 3 = 12 ways.

4.  We can go through any three of the remaining 4 cities.  3 permutations out of 4 (4P3 ways ) 4 x3 x 2 = 24 ways.

5.  We can go through all the remaining 4 cities.  Simillarlly that can be arranged in 4C4 ways = 24 ways.

Hence the total no of ways = 1 + 4 + 12 + 24 + 24 = 65 ways.

Kindly comment whether understood.

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  • Jun 6th, 2007

first construct a hexagon with given conditions then first only one link directly connect between they=1 next we are left with 4 vertices we have choose them. we can choose one vertex  in 4P1 ways,two vertices in 4p2 ways like this we hav 2 choose up to 4p4,then add all the permutations +1=65 ans

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