What are the types of data binding?

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  • Sep 17th, 2005

There are Early Binding and late Binding data Types.The early Binding binds the data at complie time whereas the    late Binding binds the data at Run time.

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  • Dec 28th, 2005

Two types of binding - Early Binding/Static Binding and Late Binding/Dynamic Binding

The system decide whether to invoke the method at compile time or run time.when invokes the method at compile time then it is called as early binding ,when invokes the method at run time then it is called as late binding

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  • Jan 12th, 2006

The earlier two replies state types of method binding -- virtual and non-virtual methods.

There are the following types of data binding --

  1. Data binding using <%# %> syntax -- simplest
  2. Binding to a single value -- a textbox displaying value of a table field
  3. Binding to a list -- a combo box displaying a list of all values of a table column
  4. Binding to a matrix -- a datagrid binding to a dataset table
  5. Binding to a collection -- allows creation of the middle tier of business logic between UI and backend database

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