Submitted Questions

  • Separating Single Field to Values

    I have a table having column col1, col2. If for a col1 there is some data in col2. EX: Col1=0012 and Col2 = 12,13,14 then i need these three values 12, 13,14 separately not as a single string as it is in table. Or you can say in need to separate these three values after it is returned by query.There may be only one value or more than 3 as well. EX: 12,13,14,15.........


    • Aug 2nd, 2013

    I think it can be done with normalizer...
    it will end up like

    0012 12
    0012 13
    0012 14


    • Dec 7th, 2011

    Can you do this in Sybase. For ex: To separate the door nos. alone from a address column.