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  • Object Oriented and Object Based Language

    Explain What are Object Oriented Language and Object Based Language

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    • Member Since Dec-2008 | Dec 10th, 2008

    Any langauge based on encapsulation concpet and operations with the objects are called as Object Based language. Exmaple : VB is a Object based and not an Object oriented

    Any langauge based on encapsulation concept and operations with the objects and also dealing with the inheritance and polymorphism are called as Object Oriented language. Exmaple : C++,C#

    Arpit Mandloi

    • Nov 25th, 2015

    Object Based languages: 1. Object-based language doesn't support all the features of OOPs like Polymorphism and Inheritance 2. Object-based language has in-built object like JavaScript has window obje...