Answered Questions

  • Read the following code and then implement the following parts:

    Read the following code and then implement the following parts: class Point { public int xCoordinate; public int yCoordinate; } 1. Derive a class from Point and call it DerivedPoint, the new class will contain two constructors, the first one takes no arguments, it assigns the point to the point (1,1) and the second constructor takes two parameters that represents the x and y coordinates...


    • Nov 28th, 2015

    danarusus answer was pretty much there, but there are a few things that could be improved with it. - Display() doesnt output x and y coords in exactly the format requested. There should be no space...


    • Nov 12th, 2015

    There is a mistake in the code submitted by chandra ;
    DerivedPoint : public Point instead of "::"