Answered Questions

  • Can Bernaulli's theorem be applied on gases?

    As Bernaulli's theorem is applied on fluids, so can we apply it on gases also?

    Mohamed Asharaf

    • Oct 7th, 2017

    The assumptions in which Bernoullis equation derived are 1.Inviscid Flow 2.Steady Flow 3.Density is Constant 4.Along the Stream-line Since the gas flow obey these properties, we can conclude that Be...

    deewakar vats

    • Aug 13th, 2017

    Sorry sir but there are certain assumption in bernaullis theorem that
    1 flow is steady
    2 flow is ideal
    3 flow is incompressible or const density so a gas is a complessible and density can vary as per the equation
    v2/g + P/w +y=const