Answered Questions

  • Why String is not a primitive data type


    • Nov 2nd, 2017

    Very first I would like to tell you that String not a data type its Final class and that present in java.lang package and its a drive class Question is that Why it is derived class


    • Aug 26th, 2017

    Strings are data types that can hold everything and by everything I mean primitives types as well as user defined types. Moreover the meaning of word string is something which connected for e.g a thre...

  • What is the difference between instantiation & initialization?

    Pankaj Sharma

    • Nov 17th, 2014

    As below

    1. Instantiation is a way to tell compiler you are going to create one instance of class as below:
    3. Instantiation //
    4. Sample sam ;  // in case not final
    6. Initialization  //
    8. sam = new Sample();


    • Nov 9th, 2014

    Initialization-Assigning a value to a variable i.e a=0,setting the initial values. Instantiation- Creating the object i.e when u r referencing a variable to an object with new operator. {geshibot lan...