Answered Questions

  • Passive Router Transformation

    Router is passive transformation, but one may argue that it is passive because in case if we use default group (only) then there is no change in number of rows. What explanation will you give?

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    • Member Since Aug-2009 | Aug 14th, 2009

    Router is an Active Transformation, Most of the time we use router only when we are going to apply multiple conditions on a records, It is absolutely possible for a record to satisfy one or more conditions thus making the router Active, Router is the only active transformation where the number of output records from the transformation is greater or equal to the number of input records given to the transformation.


    • Aug 17th, 2011

    AS PER INFORMATICA DOCUMENTATION, Router transformation is ACTIVE and CONNECTED.. Please Don't thumb down if you're not sure..

  • What are the various methods of getting incremental records or delta records from the source systems?

    sravanthi K

    • Aug 7th, 2018

    Hi Anand ,
    I am exactly looking for this info. could you please elaborate on this design implementation in datastage in all the three methods of delta load you mentiond.


    Anand Yadav

    • Sep 2nd, 2016

    There are three way to do increment load in ETL as per my knowledge:
    1: Delta loading using parameter file.
    2: Delta loading using control table.
    3: Delta loading using max variable where max variable is last updated date.