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  • what is ADO.NET

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    • Member Since Oct-2005 | Nov 28th, 2005

    ADO.NET is the primary relational data access model for Microsoft .NET-based applications. It may be used to access data sources for which there is a specific .NET Provider, or, via a .NET Bridge Provider, for which there is a specific OLE DB Provider, ODBC Driver, or JDBC Driver. ADO.NET is sometimes considered an evolution of ADO technology, but it is important to note that some major changes were made between the two.


    • Sep 11th, 2008

    ADO.NET is something that allows us to interact with relational databases and other data sources. It is a technology that ASP.NET applications use to communicate with a database, whether we need to add a new customer record, make a  purchase, or display a product catalog.