Answered Questions

  • what is co-relation in load runner>


    • May 6th, 2008

    Dynamic values important because, everytime a web request goes to server comes back, certain values in the session are changed by the server dynamically. If we have used correlation for those values, that will take care of them automatically.


    • Nov 13th, 2006

    hi,I1ve read your answer but I would like to know : why we want the LR to use the same dynamic value it used in 1 iterations?thank you

  • what are the steps for doing load and performance testing using Load Runner?

    Note: I need the actual process steps for doing load testing using load runner but not the questions and answers as were given about load runner

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    Charles E Aron  

    • Member Since Oct-2009 | Oct 23rd, 2009

    1) Select the load Runner from the Start menu.
    2) From the Load testing Tab, click on "Create/Edit Scripts"
    3) Once the Virtual User generator is opened, select "New" and select the protocol based on your project requirement or for a sample application select "Web(HTML/HTTP)" protocol from the Available protocols and click "ok"
    4) Enter the URL of the application which you are going to test.
    5) Give the Working Directory path in which your script need to be saved.
    6) In Record to Action you have three options
    i) vuser_init -> record the login part
    ii) Action -> record the transaction or the body part.
    iii) vuser_end -> record the sign off
    Note: for your sample login to action and record all the script.
    7) Once the url is opened start entering the username and password and do the other transaction process. Once finish, log off and stop the record session by click the stop icon.
    8) Correlate the script, parameterize the URL, username and password if required other variables too and check whether the the script runs without any errors
    Note: Before running check the run time settings and run for atleast three to five iterations.
    9) Create more scripts according to your requirement and check they should run without errors.
    10) Open the scenario, pull all the scripts add the number of users you want to run, set the rampup and duration of the run. Runtime settings and Generators you are using to run the load should be given. see that you connected the generators and Start running the scenario.
    11) Analyse the graph for the performance.