Longitude and Lattitude

A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach the destination, which is in northwest direction. Given the latitude and longitude of source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?

Questions by richa.best

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers

There is really not enough imformation here to provide an answer, so some guess work is necessary. Lets start our flight in Greenwich England. 0 degrees Long. and 51 degrees Lat. The average speed of a long distance commerial jet is 550 miles an hour.

Each longitude degree is about 69 miles apart (getting closer as you move towards the poles, of course). So, flying north west from 0 Long./ 51 Lat...

550 x 11 hrs. = 6050 miles traveled in 11 hrs. Divided by 69 (miles for each long. degree) =87.7 degress long. that puts us in Ontario Canada. And if we were flying in a NW direction then Its North West Ontario Canada at 88.7 long. and 53 lat. Of course you can also fly out of San Fansico CA and get similar results if you landed in Moscow. What waist of time this question really was. 

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