How many minimum most test cases can be written for the following fields which covers maximum functionality? This should include negative testing also.1. Edit box - Accepts 1-10 Alphamunerics2. Edit box - Accepts 1-10 alphabets and Spl chr3. Edit box - Accepts 1-10 numerics

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


First Basically write the Input Domain Test cases for these using techniques like BVA and ECP   ..u will get 6.ok

Then as per your business specs write Business test cases for that edit box

In Winrunner U can use Regular Expression

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  • Oct 30th, 2006

Edit box 1 to 10 alphanumeric


  1. insert  1 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  2. insert  2 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  3. insert 9 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  4. insert 10 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  5. insert 11 in the edit box it should not expect the value.
  6. insert alpha character it should be except the values.
  7. insert numeric value it should be except the values
  8. insert alphanumeric value it should be except the values.
  9. insert special characters it should not except the values.

Edit box 1 to 10 alphanumeric and special characters


  1. insert  1 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  2. insert  2 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  3. insert 9 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  4. insert 10 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  5. insert 11 in the edit box it should not expect the value.
  6. insert alpha character it should be except the values.
  7. insert numeric value it should be except the values
  8. insert alphanumeric value it should be except the values.
  9. insert special characters it should be except the values.

Edit box 1 to 10 Numeric


  1. insert  1 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  2. insert  2 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  3. insert 9 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  4. insert 10 in the edit box it should be expect the value.
  5. insert 11 in the edit box it should not expect the value.
  6. insert alpha character it should not except the values.
  7. insert numeric value it should be except the values
  8. insert alphanumeric value it should not except the values.
  9. insert special characters it should not except the values.





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