Insert data tp BLOB data type column

If we create a table having a column of BLOB data type then how we have to insert and retrieve the data?

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Mahim Mishra

  • Jul 8th, 2006

We can Read and Write BLOB Data to a Database Table Through an Anonymous PL/SQL Block .The primary advantage of using anonymous PL/SQL blocks is improved performance -they can be used to batch a series of SQL calls together in a single round-trip. This feature allows multiple commands, separated by semi-colons, to be executed one after another. Further, the batch SQL can include a number of SELECT or non-SELECT statements; if the batch contains multiple SELECT statements, multiple number of result sets will be returned.Anonymous Pl/SQL blocks can be used for the retrieval of LOBs. They can also be used to fill a Dataset with multiple tables, by setting multiple commands in the OracleCommand (one for each table in the Dataset). In such a scenario you can return multiple REF cursors from a PL/SQL Anonymous Block, for example, like this: BEGIN OPEN :1 FOR SELECT * FROM A; OPEN :2 FOR SELECT * FROM B; OPEN :3 FOR SELECT * FROM C; END;

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