What is terminologewhy testing necessaryfundamental test processpsychology of testing

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Testing Terminologies :


Error:          a human action that produces an incorrect result.

Fault:          a manifestation of an error in software.

Failure:        a deviation of the software from its expected delivery or service.


Reliability:  the probability that the software will not cause the failure of the system for a specified time under specified conditions.


Why Testing is Necessary

Testing is necessary because software is likely to have faults in it and it is better (cheaper, quicker and more expedient) to find and remove these faults before it is put into live operation. Failures that occur during live operation are much more expensive to deal with than failures than occur during testing prior to the release of the software. Of course other consequences of a system failing during live operation include the possibility of the software supplier being sued by the customers!

Testing is also necessary so we can learn about the reliability of the software (that is, how likely it is to fail within a specified time under specified conditions).



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Fundamental Test process :

The Fundamental Test Process comprises five activities:




Recording, and

Checking for Test Completion.

Pshycology of testng :

There are many reasons for testing including building confidence in the software under test, demonstrating conformance to requirements or a functional specification, to find faults, reduce costs, demonstrate a system meets user needs and assessing the quality of the software. However, one reason that is not valid (but often used erroneously) is to prove that the software is correct.

You cannot have justified confidence in the quality of the software

unless you have confidence in the quality of the testing.

Source : ISEB material for software testing

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