Without using the datadriven test, how can we test the application with different set of inputs?

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muralidhar Vadakattu

  • Oct 11th, 2005

The major purpose of the data driven test is to test the application with different types of inputs which helps us in avoiding hectic and repetitive work that one should do in manual, which is time consuming task.

If you want to know the alternative, in a for loop or any other loop that you are comfortable with, use create_input_dialog command and take the value every time from the user and then pass the value to the function.



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veena devi

  • Oct 22nd, 2005

data driven test:

we can run the test with the multiple tests of data

means different set of we are giving the application how it will work we have to check

we can use the data table then give the different set of inputs

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  • Oct 24th, 2005


We can directly call the data from accel sheet or note pad to the application.

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  • Oct 25th, 2005

 We can perform the retesting with out using data driven test. Through flat files we can perform retesting, means we can take the inputs from notepad and we will submit these inputs where ever we require in our test script.

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veena devi

  • Oct 27th, 2005


without using data driven test we can test the application by using different sets of data using matrix type or array.

we are using the array .when we run the test take the like arry 1 to five like this we can take the inputs

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  • Nov 14th, 2005

comment: file concepts

we have to use flat file(.txt) concept to do data driven test without using ddt functions

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  • Nov 15th, 2005

by using parametarization we can test the diffrant set data.

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  • Nov 24th, 2005

VijayaLaxmi Panicker Wrote: To test the application with different set of inputs we can use database checkpoints instead of datadriven testing. 

Is data driven test and database checkpoints alternative to each other ?

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sai krishna

  • Dec 2nd, 2005




x=create_input_dialog("enter userid");

y=create_input_dialog("enter password");






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  • Dec 23rd, 2005

we can use flatfiles concept(.txt files ) and using "split" function we can test the application with multiple inputs.

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  • Dec 28th, 2005

In data driven we are getting values from data table for the purpose of feild validations for edit boxes and is to check for different values. 

data base check points are used to check the data entered in the edit boxes is saving in the data base as it is or not by comparing the expected with actual result.

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WR provides retesting of out application with multiple test data. This is what we call retesting. We call this retesting in WR as DDT ( Data Driven Test). In order to do this DDT, WR provides 4 options.

1. Dynamic test data submission :

x=create_input_dialog("enter a no.");

now x contains the value of our given value.

2. From front end grid : means taking the values from the front end object values, it apply the values in other objects.

Say Ex : For any registration, if we select the "country" in the list box, based on that it shows the "State" name. for these type of tests we use this option.

3. Through Flat file : ex. notepad

4. Through Excel sheet : Data table

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  • Feb 3rd, 2006

There is no way that Checkpoints can be used as a replacement for DataDriven test

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  • Apr 6th, 2006


can please explane me the steps how we can call the from excel sheet.

if u give me example and steps i would appriciate that.

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