The Briton lives in red houseThe swede keeps dogs as petsThe Dane drinks teathe green house is the first house to the left of the white housethe green house owner drinks coffeethe person who smokes pall mall rears birdsthe owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhillthe man living in the house right in the center drinks milkthe Norwegian lives in the first housethe man who smokes blends lives next to one who keeps catthe man who keeps horses lives next to one who smokes Dunhillthe man who smokes Bluemaster drinks beerthe Norwegian lives next to the blue housethe man who smokes blends has a neighbor who drink waterthe german smokes princebased on the above clues u have to determine who smokes which ??who drinks wht???who lives in which house. something like that

Showing Answers 1 - 15 of 15 Answers


  • Jul 27th, 2006

->color pet smoke drink country------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>green ------ prince cofee germany-->white dogs blue -master beer sweden-->red birds pall-mall milk briton-->blue horses blend tea dane-->yellow cat dunhill water norweignone animal is not mentioned so i did not mentioned .guy's if any thing wrong just try to intimate me.

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  • Oct 27th, 2006

hey vallabhaneni jaipal

your answer is wrong. since it contradict with the very first condition.

briton  live in red house and ur answer shows that sweden live in red house.

so the answer posted by u is wrong

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  • Oct 27th, 2006

hey guys. i have got answer to one of the nightmare questions that i have ever solved. it really took 2 hour out of me to solve this puzzle . finally i have got answer to this.

actually guys. the question itself left one more clue. the fifth pet is not there. so i named it as xxx and find out the answer.

country     color     position        pet         smoke         drinks
norwegian  yellow    first            cat         dunhil           water
dane           blue     second       horse     blumaster        tea
british         red       third          bad         pallmall          milk
germany     green     fourth        XXX        prince            cofee
sweden       white     fifth            dog      bluemaster     bear

now guys, check the above answer with these 15 condition and find whether it satisfies or not.

1.The Briton lives in red house         
2 The swede keeps dogs as pets
3The Dane drinks tea
4 the green house is the first house to the left of the white house
5 the green house owner drinks coffee
6 the person who smokes pall mall rears birds
7 the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
8 the man living in the house right in the center drinks milk
9 the Norwegian lives in the first house
10 the man who smokes blends lives next to one who keeps cat
11 the man who keeps horses lives next to one who smokes Dunhill
12 the man who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer
13 the Norwegian lives next to the blue house
14 the man who smokes blends has a neighbor who drink water
15  the german smokes prince

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  • Nov 21st, 2008

Country, colour, pet, cigarette, beverage.
Norwegian, yellow, cat, dunhill, water
Dane, blue, horse, blend, tea
Briton, red, birds, pall mall, milk
german, green, no pet, prince, coffee
swede, white, dog, bluemaster, beer

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  • Mar 19th, 2015

No, but so close :) . you have bluemaster down twice. and the person who smokes bluemaster also drinks beer. the Dane drinks tea, thus cannot smoke blue master, so that is incorrect. The answer is:
Norwegian (first house): yellow, water, dunhill, cats
Dane (second house): blue, tea, blend, horses
Brit (middle/third house): red, milk, pall mall, birds
German (fourth house): green, coffee, prince, FISH
Swede (fifth house): white, beer, blue master, dogs.
And yes to the person who previously said it. The fish belongs to the Brit. the title of the riddle is "Who Owns the Fish?" Thus once all the pets are assigned the person who had didnt have the cats, horses, birds, or the dogs was left with the fish.

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  • Mar 19th, 2015

Yes perfect, PWalsh7206. same answer I got.

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