Failed to setValue for key 125 in table 'TEST'
project 'com.mercury.td.tdserver.authentication. CTdSessionContext@b05328';Messages:Failed to Paste Data;CopyManger failed to paste the data ;Failed to copy root map ;Failed to setValue for key 125 in table 'TEST' in project 'com.mercury.td.tdserver.authentication.CTdSessionContext@b05328';Failed to set params in the parametrized query;For input string: "YesNo";Stack Trace:java.lang.NumberFormatException:...
Test Director benefits
What are the benefits and features of test director ? what type of reports it generate ? what type of testing it performs ?
How to restart Test Director services ?
Hi every one! Recently I stopped Testdirector services, because it is slowing my pc performance.If I want to start services what I need to do means what services to start?
Moving Test Cases to Test Lab from Test Plan
I want to run the test cases from test lab. My test cases are in test plan. In our company, they don't do requirement coverage. How do I select the test cases in test lab for execution?
Prepare traceability matrix
How do we Prepare traceability matrix? Is it any kind of document? where do we prepare them i mean in TD or QC? please Explain in detail with Example? Thanks in advance?
Attachement Description in Defects Menu
In QC, You need to provide the description of particular attachement for defects. How will you do it?
Does Quality Center support Windows Vista
I was trying to install Quality Center on my laptop which has windows vista but it fails.Displays a message stating thatSupported platforms: Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Advanced Server Windows 2003 Standard Edition Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition Windows XP Professional Red Hat Linux 9.0 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS, version 3 Linux Suse 9.2 Professional Solaris 8.0 Solaris 9.0Can Anyone using...
Upload Defects in Quality Center
How to log and upload defects in Quality Center?
Retest Failed Test Cases
How to retest failed test cases in Test Director?
Un-locking a Test case in Test Director
How to un-lock a test case which is locked by another tester?
Hot Fix
What is hot fix?
QC Unlinked defects
How to find the defects which are not linked to any test cases in Quality Center.
Test Director Interview Questions