How is C++ a higher level of C?

C++ is an improved and higher level of C with more features and abilities built in it.

Apart from the regular features of C the other features which C++ possess which makes it a higher level of C are classes, objects, constructors and destructors, virtual functions, concept of polymorphism, abstract classes, able to provide access levels like public, private and protected for members, friend functions, operator overloading, exception handling and so on.

There are lots more features available in C++ which makes users to have more robust application built. Thus it is possible for C++ to have all abilities of C in addition to more features built in it.

Questions by GeekAdmin   answers by GeekAdmin

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Sep 27th, 2006

wt mean by QA  how it defines and purposes and features

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  • Oct 13th, 2006

c++ is higher than C in ,many ways.

but to keep it simple : with C it diffcult to represnt the real world whereas with c++ we can represent real eworld things.

Examples: in c++ we have objests that repesent real world objects that have both attributes and behaviour

this 2 attributes and behaviour can be related to c++

attributes to data

behaviour to functions

these two as a unit are called objects

this is just a small random example

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